I hope 2023 is off to a great start for you!
I don’t know about you, but I love the fresh start that a new year brings…
On that note, do you have any goals or resolutions for your female self for 2023?
If so, I’d love to hear them!
Please take my poll and share your femme goals below. (Note: You can select more than one answer in the poll.)
Wishing you a fun, feminine, fabulous 2023!
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While I have had some women’s items(panties and a sleeping outfit) I don’t anymore. So I want to buy some again but this time I want to buy a dress….
Buy as many dresses as you can. Wear them every time you get the chance. Dresses make you feel so good and free. I have never worn anything other than a dress or skirt. I have never owned a set of slacks or pants. Nothing makes me feel more feminine than going out in public in a nice and light flowing dress. Well, maybe shopping for a new dress makes me feel just as good!
My resolution is to enhance my outward femininity in general. At this point I have been out to 99% of my family and friends, who all already knew but were waiting for me to be comfortable to tell them, so I now present as a woman 24/7. I just got a job as my true self. I think one particular thing I want to conquer is heels. Other than that I just want to improve my overall femme appearance.
I want to find a female friend friendship and beyond who will come to love me in either femme or drab
I hope the best for you. You are so beautiful!!!
You are a wonderful lady I have come across on this planet . You may start all lady team for M2F transition this NewYear.
I would love to finish electrolysis.
I should spend more time with my sisters (families of choice, that is).
Maybe I can even get organized (pipe dream).
Do that planned mega (really mega) road trip.
Shift to more socially responsible investments. Dump those fossil fuel supporters, that is.
Working on my voice, it’s gotten very passable but still needs more improvement.
Thank you Lucille for everything you do for the trans community and me.
Working on my voice, it’s gotten very passable but still needs more improvement.
Thank you Lucille for everything you do for the trans community and me.
I just turned 75 not feeling so pretty these days, so its hard to get all dolled up anymore, mostly go out androgynist
At 75:
Consider that it’s just a different kind of pretty.
Androgynous is ok, almost normal, for many older gals. But you can still get inspired and go for glam every now an d then!