Do you want to create a captivating feminine image as a crossdresser or transgender woman? It’s not about spending a fortune on breast forms, clothes, or makeup.
The real secret is knowing the message you want your image to convey. This is key to expressing your true self.
A simple way to start is by choosing 3 words that describe your ideal feminine self.
For example, is she:
- Sassy, sexy, and spontaneous?
- Bold, brainy, and beautiful?
- Elegant, mysterious, and stylish?
If people aren’t seeing you for who you are, it might be because your outward image doesn’t match your inner self.
Knowing your essence helps you create a cohesive image that reflects the REAL you – through your appearance, behavior, and communication.
For instance, if your ideal self is classy, intelligent, and sensuous, you’d know that a super short miniskirt might not align with that image!
Why just 3 words?
Because it keeps your focus sharp and clear. Any more, and the message loses its impact.
So, what 3 words describe your feminine self?
We’d love to hear them! Please share in the comments below.
P.S. Are the words “stunning,” “sexy,” and “beautiful” on your list? If not, they should be – and The Makeup Magic Program can help!
This comprehensive male to female makeup course will teach you everything you need to know to unleash your most beautiful femme self.
I’d love to have the confidence & the body to look like this
I am pretty, androgenous,and sexy. The last one is because a friend told me I have sexy legs and other parts
hi Lucille
Liking the name change, me I think the 3 words that describe me are romantic kind & shy but I know I’m fat, ugly & alien as I’m not female or male
Alana I know you wrote this some time ago but I just got around to reading them. Alana I’m sorry about all of the emotional roller coasters you seem to be going through. We all have our little issues that nag at the back of our mind. I always think the next person is going to point at me or some little child say Mommy look at that man but it has never happened. You have all of the potential, the looks, the body to become a lovely woman in every way. Try to have confidence in yourself. I have learned that if you say that I am then the world will see you as you say you are.
I look in the mirror and think how much better I would look if I lost a few pounds and then I smile thinking there are a lot of women looking in the mirror right now thinking the same thing.
I have never replied to a comment before Alana but I believe as you begin your transition, looking in the mirror you will find a convincing woman looking back.
TY both for your kind words sometime I see myself like that & other time I see my self a good looking I yes I say I am shy that’s because I find it hard talking to people face to face but not over the internet if that makes sense.
TY Lucille never thought to look at it like that before I like two-spirited TY for Bobbie for your word I will try to take them on board but I must say I am happier now knowing who & what I am where I want to since putting my 6 words up I have seen my doctor & she is referring me to a gender clinic & Charing Cross hospital.
Alana, I hope you will take what Bobbie says to heart. She is absolutely right that we all have beauty and that we become what we tell ourselves. Rather than seeing yourself as “alien”, why not see yourself as “two-spirited”? It can be a beautiful gift if you will allow it.
It saddens me that you speak of yourself in such degrading terms. We all have beauty. We all have weaknesses too. But to tell the world the negative things that you feel about yourself does no service to yourself.
I want you to go into a quite space and meditate or uses some sort of self-hypnosis and tell yourself positive things. Do this daily and you will soon discover that you become what you tell yourself you are.
The results will astound you as you become more confident and sure of yourself. Being shy is not necessarily a good thing. I shows that you are not confident in who you are. But by telling yourself positive things that you wish could be true, you will soon find yourself exactly there achieving your goals to be beautiful inside and out.
Hi! I am a tigeress, butterfly, and chamelion.
I like that! 😉
sweet stylish leggy
i love my legs and love showing them off. Even at my age i still wear short dresses and skirts I’m starting hormones soon
Cute, coquettish, and playful.
The second one is my favorite compliment I ever received. We were all out having fun and a friend said “You’re so coquettish…” and everyone’s faces except hers went blank. She looked around and said “What? None of you all ever went to school?” So from that day onward, I adopted that word as one of my favorite traits.
And I like the name change for the site, Lucille.
I am older and I try to act and dress in that way. I am 54 and when going out in Femme I go to places that I fit in comfortably. I think of myself as sort of Bold, Stylish (try to drees the age) and unexpected.