Do you want to create a captivating feminine image as a crossdresser or transgender woman? It’s not about spending a fortune on breast forms, clothes, or makeup.
The real secret is knowing the message you want your image to convey. This is key to expressing your true self.
A simple way to start is by choosing 3 words that describe your ideal feminine self.
For example, is she:
- Sassy, sexy, and spontaneous?
- Bold, brainy, and beautiful?
- Elegant, mysterious, and stylish?
If people aren’t seeing you for who you are, it might be because your outward image doesn’t match your inner self.
Knowing your essence helps you create a cohesive image that reflects the REAL you – through your appearance, behavior, and communication.
For instance, if your ideal self is classy, intelligent, and sensuous, you’d know that a super short miniskirt might not align with that image!
Why just 3 words?
Because it keeps your focus sharp and clear. Any more, and the message loses its impact.
So, what 3 words describe your feminine self?
We’d love to hear them! Please share in the comments below.
P.S. Are the words “stunning,” “sexy,” and “beautiful” on your list? If not, they should be – and The Makeup Magic Program can help!
This comprehensive male to female makeup course will teach you everything you need to know to unleash your most beautiful femme self.
Dear Lucille
Congratulations for that small but at the same time big change. Femme secrets is great, perfect and more fine.
The 3 words:
actual, elegant, submissive.
well i am sometimes unsure lucille,
but when i am not sexy femnine and happy with some things but def not my vice or my brist. i am awaiting hormines triatment at this time, but at lest i do drass fulltime . i hate my face as well.
Hi Lucille
Love your changing logo. femme secrets hmmm makes more feminine. yeahh
I can describe myself as SEXY BEUAUTIFUL and ELEGANT .
Hi Lucille –
My 3 words are: “striking, flirtatious, playful”.
Anyone wanting to chat, feel free to email me at
Jerri Lynn
sexy and stylish
I would like to think that the image I portray is:
Mysterious, Stylish and Elegant. I am pretty much shy and quiet, yes, submissive at best. I love to wear dresses, skirt suits and High Heels. No jeans, pants, flats or platforms. I love to shop and have a wardrobe any girl would be proud of. I also love to accessorize and it is to this novelty I feel I stay in style. I enjoy the classic look so this allows my wardrobe to remain timeless. I try to achieve an elegant look whereby my appearance is flawless in every regard. Dry clean, ironed, crisp, fragrant, soft, new, are all on my checklist before I leave my home. Even if it is just to the corner market, I have to be attired neatly and my look, classic. I love the preparation as much as I love the finished product. My pearls are real but not all of my diamonds are so as much as I love to think myself elegant not all my jewelry would comply.
I tried to attach an image but I kept receiving a fakepath message. Sorry. Dawna R.
As a woman forced to hide behind a male facade, i am not entirely certain what 3 words would accurately describe me. So ill run with 3 things ive been told by the few who truly know the real me. Sweet beautiful and loving. Having to hide within
a lie a to appease expectations many view me as having anger and hostility problems. I was to ask these people if they wouldnt be hostile having to always put up a front and be what you have always been told to be. A life without freedom or a new life cut off from anything and everything i ever knew.
Thank you for taking the time to read my whinning
I understand exactly what you are saying I too kept Lindsay hidden from everybody I knew from fear of lossing everybody I loved. “BUT” then I reached an apiphiny it was time I made the most important person happy “ME” and I told everybody I knew the people in my life that realy LOVED me said OK and acepted me, the people that didn’t realy love me went away “BUT” that’s OK too cause I got some some new friends that acepted me for who I am, crossgender’s.
Since I’ve done this it has not been easy BUT! “WOW” the diffrence it has made in my life is like night and day and the VERY best part is alot of my anger issues went away I no longer feel pent up living a lie or fake.
bottom line is if you like what you see keep looking (I like that) if you don’t like what you see MOVE on (I don’t have time to worry about what you think).
good luck luv ya Lindsay
I feel sweet, intelligent, classical
dull, boring, apprehensive.
This is how I see Michelle.