Download Instructions: How to Download Program Files to an iPhone or iPad
Video Instructions
Text Instructions
Step 1
Install the free Documents by Readdle app:
Step 2
Open the app and navigate to the browser section on the bottom right
Step 3
Paste in the URL of the website you want to access.
Important: To download files, you need to open the website in the Downloader app browser (as opposed to your usual browser).
Step 4
Navigate to the web page and file you want to download. Then press and hold on the link you want to download.
Step 5
A menu will pop up. Select “Download link” to download the file.
Step 6
To access the downloaded file, click the folder icon on the bottom left. This will bring you back to the app’s home page.
Step 7
Select the “Downloads” folder. All the files you downloaded are accessible in this folder.