I’ve observed that many crossdressers and transgender women recognize their gender identity at a young age. For some, it’s an early realization, while for others, it unfolds later in life.
I’m curious about your experience…
When did you first realize you were female or had a feminine side? Was this something you felt as a child, or did it develop over time?
I’d love to hear your story! Feel free share your thoughts in the comments below!
I had a connection to women from an early age, trying on female underwear. I have been married to to one woman for over 40years but discovered that I was not the only one that felt that way. Like Colleen I preferred a women’s softness and tenderness. I enjoy dressing up and am enjoying taking this journey a step at a time pushing the boundaries with my wife. I feel so much better seeing myself as female. I just hope my journey of discovery just keeps getting better. I wish all the best to all who take the journey, Kim
I was 6 or 7 when I first started trying on my mom’s panties. I remember the first time vividly. There was something about it that felt so right. As time went on it progressed to bras, tights, leotards, pantyhose, stockings, dresses, and everything in between. I struggled with the shame that comes with all of this but as time has passed, I have begun to fully accept that this is who I am, and the only way I will feel complete. It may have taken 30 years, but I have begun my journey and I’m not looking back!
Well it’s was wen I was 5 or 6 wen my seen me in my sisters red dress she was upset and made me take it off and I was in trouble with my dad then I dress wen I can I love it I wen out to a bar and a man wanted my number I love it
I grew up in a world of a sister and many girl cousins. My sister used to dress me as a girl when I was very young. I guess I didn’t realize I was a “boy” until I started school, and then I suppressed it. About 25 years ago I began exploring my feelings. I began hormone treatment about 8 years ago. I am now a 38 C and wear a bra and panties every day. I like jeans and scoop neck tee shirts that show off my cleavage. I sometimes wear a skirt or a dress when I go out, but jeans are my favorite as I also ride a Harley.
I had intermittent dreams of being a girl, a developing woman, and finally a mature woman all my life, but didn’t get it until I was 61 after three failed marriages and an awareness that my sexuality was all off. I always identified with women both emotionally and intellectually. I always physically preferred their softness, tenderness, and steadfastness. It wasn’t till 61 that I found out the world would give me permission to be something else, and that I liked myself far better as a new teen “woman”. I am on a slow journey to being the complete woman I want to be, but that is good as it gives me lots of time to adjust to the new me, and it’s quite an adjustment. I wish to all the peace I have found. Love to all, Colleen
Well, about 5 years ago I had Prostate Cancer and therefore the surgery. After that I began to have a change in my sexuality. I began to increase my breasts and the male thing began to shrink.
I decide to get a bra, panties, and high heels. It felt pretty good. I am married and the wife would not understand so I am deep in the closet. I do get dressed up when I can.
I actually feel like I could have changed a long time ago.
Thanks a bunch
I knew at a very young age, I had not sisters only brothers, so I had to look to my moms closet. When she caught me in her closet she just told me it was a part of growing up and I would grow out of it. I am sorry to say mom, I am still waiting to grow out of it, whatever it was to my mother. At age eleven I tried to remove the male parts from my body, I was not completely successful. From that time to about a year ago I have been in conflict with myself the battle between my feminine and masculine personalities. My feminine side won and I am in full transition now, I started hrt last year and will have my grs early next year. Now I feel at peace with myself. I know I still have a long way to go, but I know I will become the woman I know that is inside me. I am happy now and I am really glad there are people like Lucille with a big kind heart and the willingness to help us become complete woman
Thank You
I have always known that I am a girl inside. When I first started school in 1954 at the age of five (we were in England as my Dad was in the Air Force) I was using the girls’ ‘loo’ (bathroom) until the teachers ‘corrected’ me. I distinctly remember being angry that they were forcing me to use the ‘wrong’ facility and so I held it all day! That was the first of many painful ‘corrections’, but far from the worst or the last. Led a ‘stealth’ life; dressing in secret when I could. I felt very little emotion and most of my life seemed unreal to me; like I was going through the motions, but watching from the sidelines. I was on a path to end it all until I found some support and finally came out four years ago. Two years on hormones now. Life is finally worth living!!