Stepping out publicly as a woman is a powerful way to validate your female self.
In fact, I recently published a poll asking “How often do you go out in public as a woman?”
I was happy to see that the majority of my readers (transgender women and crossdressers) go out at least occasionally.
No matter how often you do it, I’m sure you can remember your first time presenting as a woman or crossdressing in public.
Since this is such an important gender-affirming step, I’d love to hear about it!
When was it? Where did you go? And what was your experience?
Please share with us in the comments below!
And if you’ve never been en femme in public, I’m sure you’ll find lots of inspiration in these stories.
As always, thank you for reading and participating!
P.S. If you liked this article, you will love my FREE Unleash Your Inner Woman hypnosis mini session.
About 2 1/2 years ago a TG friend encouraged me to go to a restaurant attached to a motel.Even though the place has very little business I was very scared. But–nobody gave me a glance and my courage building began.
Flash forward to 1 week ago–same place. Wore a black and white lace dress,pumps a clutch etc. Lo and behold there were 40 men in the place–a college hockey team and their coaches. I was undeterred and took a table in their midst. No hassle. Lesson learned-you are your own worst enemy so just own it!!
My first time involved going over to a lady friend who knew about my en femme persona. It
was evening,I wore a simple black dress,3″ heels and a short coat. It took me about an hour
with my make up,I wanted to look perfect LOL I walked about 3 blocks to her building,passed
a couple of men who gazed at my legs,which gave me a rush. I was quite pleased with myself
when I reached her apartment for having had no problem walking in the street in heels. But
as I walked up the stairs,my friend lived on the second floor,I stepped out of one of my pumps!
It fell to the bottom step. Just then a gentleman entered the stairway,picked up my shoe and
brought it up to me. I remember blushing and whispering “thanks” as I slipped the shoe back on.
I had a wonderful time with my friend,who told me I looked great. It was a real confidence
booster! When I left her I took the elevator down to the lobby as I find walking down stairs
more challenging than walking up,tehe. I felt like I was floating on air on my walk back to my
place,my heels clicking all the way.
Great story – The attached is dreamy and if thats you – no wonder you pass. I wish I was 1/2 that pretty
“jinhill”…”Sweetie”…”Very Pretty Girl”…”Very Sexy Legs & Stockings” !!!
Hi Karen
keep those heels clipping, I envy your being up front and open in public, wish I could do the same.
the photo is great. Can I meet you for an exchange of ‘girlie’ tips?
Maxine x
Hi Karen
As Paul said, you look fabulous. So feminine.
Just wish I could look half that good. I don’t pass up close, but I do get out some. Not as often as I would like to. His wife does not approve of me.
Much love ❤
Tina D. H.
I love your photo; you’re quite attractive and have simply fab legs, darling! The first time I was out with a girl friend was at a bar.
My legs got felt up twice whilst sitting on a bar stool with my legs
crossed, and a man squeezed one of my tits (I do have them,
small but pretty). You talk about getting a rush! I’d love to hear from you. Ta for now, honey.
The first time that i went out in public as a woman was yesterday. It was really hot out, so I put on a really short skirt and a nice cotton ruffled scooped-necked blouse and beige heels, and went with friends out to dinner. I was working on practicing softening my voice, and it worked. This gentleman sitting at the table two tables from us asked me if he could have my number after telling me how pretty I looked this evening.
I was on cloud nine. All summer I’ve been collecting womens clothes, and you have been so supportive in helping me achieve me
my dreams of becoming a trannsgendered woman, and now, to get the compliment that I’ve always wanted, my heaven is slowly becoming a reality. THANK YOU.
I started dressing in 1988 with no clue about makeup. I came out to my wife who threated divorce and so I purged everything! Fast forward 15 years and no more sex for various reasons. So I started to frequent escorts in Central Florida. I found out quickly that if I had a romantic tryst with an escort and my wife was here, she would know it! I have no clue how but she just knew it.
SO…..I started seeing escorts when my wife would vacation in another state for months at a time….much to my relief! One particular time, being quite horny, I decided to see Shyla, an escort in Orlando thinking I’ll just get oral and no way my wife will know. I won’t put my body that close to Shyla. With that plan, I arrived at Shyla’s and she told me she just got back a dress from the cleaner’s and to put it on…..no way your wife will smell anything….and so I did and the rest is history. I told Shyla about 1988 etc and she volunteered that if I wanted to order clothes, heels, wigs, etc that I could have them sent to her house!
I took her up on her offer. I started ordering stuff….lots of stuff….loads of stuff…..and she never once complained.
My wife left a few months later and within a day I was at Shyla’s place transitioning. It was at this stage that Shyla put on my makeup with me recording every move into a hand held recorder. Trying on my new red stiletto heels, with my new dress and my makeup, I was hooked for life. I drove back the 90 miles to Ocala, FL as a woman as was really turned on! No one stared! No one looked. No one had a clue that I was a man!!
A few weeks later after I ordered some thigh high boots, I went back to Orlando and made a reservation at the Parliament House, a resort for gays, Bi’s and straights. Shyla accompanied me there. We left my room and I was scared shitless. This was quickly put to rest as we approached the entrance to the various clubs, there was a throng of guys hanging out just beyond the walls but they could see in. They went nuts when they saw me and did the cat calls and the whistles! I looked at Shyla and she said, “they think you’re hot!” I looked back over, smiled and waved and blew the throng a kiss…..The rest is history as they say and I go there often along with the Copa in Ocala and the Flamingo in the Tampa area.
I still don’t go out in public per se…..but I will.
Well, the first time I went out as a female, I was 13, in 8th grade and I was a day away from going back to school, I had been out with the flu during which time I watched daytime TV and was lucky enough to see an interview with Christine Jorgensen. In the spring of 1969, I was only 5′ 2″
same size as my mom, many boys had shoulder length hair, so the fact that I wanted to wear my hair long didn’t phase anyone. So, that morning after both parents had gone to work, I decided to not only dress in mom’s clothes, but venture out, I had a long history of secretly putting on her clothes, now in retrospect, I know she was aware of it, she would frequently ask me questions that I didn’t really understand and therefore would answer honestly, for example, she would ask why I had mostly girls as friends, yet no girlfriends, to which I answered that I didn’t think about girls in that way. Sorry, I put on a pair of opaque tights, those were a new thing and my mom was very fashionista, a mini skirt, and pretty sweater, a small scarf to my my hair look feminine, a little makeup, and my penny lofers, many girls wore them. As soon as I stepped out the door of our apartment building I was both excited and scared. I walked to our nearest business area only a few blocks away, as I passed people along the way I tried to avoid eye contact while at the same time curious how the were viewing me. I walked through our local Sears, stopping in the hosiery section to browse through their latest styles, all the while looking around, I’m sure I looked like a paranoid girl, I then left and felt courageous enough to go into the shoe store next door, the sales lady, probably middle aged came and I asked to try on the black pumps I had selected, she measured my foot, brought out my size and I tried them on, as I walked around in them, she commented on how well I walked in heels and that back when she was an early teen they didn’t get to wear heels as it was considered to mature, all I cared about in that conversation was that she saw a teen girl !! I was elated,
I went back home, put everything back the way I found it, the rest is for another time.
Thanks for caring about us Lucille 🙂
This Valentines day, (2014), a girlfriend helped me dress, and did my makeup. We went out to Ft Myers Beach, and waded in the Gulf, then had lunch, and went shopping. I spent the rest of that week en femme, and never looked back! I have since legally changed my name, and Driver’s License, Birth Certificate, and am living full time.
I wish I could have met you. I live in the ft. myers beach area. It would be nice to compare notes with another gurl.
Jenna, I will be moving to the Sarasota area late Oct/Early Nov. Perhaps we can connect?
I was invited to a party–provided I arrived dressed completely feminine including make up, nail polish, and wig. It was at an apartment. To get there-in evening daylight required driving and parking on a street to walk to the apartment. There were four men and two real women there when I arrived in hose, skirt, blouse, bra and panties
I didn’t allow Melissa to emerge from the shadows until I was in my late forties, newly divorced and living in a new city. I found a couple of CD/TS forums and learned that I certainly wasn’t the only person with questions about their gender. Over the next few months I made new on line friends and began to build my ensemble. I purchased my feminine wardrobe, lingerie, shoes, a couple of wigs, silicon breast forms that gave me a. 40C cup and slowly began to learn the illusionary art of make up. Thankfully I never had much body hair but the first night that I shave my legs and dawned a pair of seamed thigh highs was liberating. I had applied my make up and put on a black garter belt, black panties and a matching full coverage underwire bra, a pair of black pumps and finally a shoulder length black wig. I stood in front of my full length mirror and liked what I saw.
I met a girlfriend on line that hosted parties for girls like us at her lovely home. I got to know most of the ladies that attended Sarah’s parties who ranged in age from their late twenties to their sixties. It was comfortable and safe there but besides walking quickly from my home to my car and driving to Sarah’s I never had gone out in public.
One might Sarah proclaimed ” Road trip !” I asked “Where are we going?”
She replied “Never you mind just get your tush in my car!” I was wearing a a tad too short cocktail dress from Frederick’s of Hollywood with a leopard pattern, black pumps and a red wig. I presumed I was ready as I’d ever be for the world to finally meet Melissa.
We drove into the city and Sarah parked near a popular GLBT bar. I was excited but scared at the prospect of going into a club but there was no turning back. The bar was packed with people and a buffed stud was dancing on a small stage to loud music. We got drinks and mingled. The longer we were there the more I relaxed. A young guy no more than twenty five or so struck up a conversation with me at the bar. Teddy was very handsome and engaging and for a young guy very insightful about many issues. We danced a few times which made me feel silly at first but I had to admit I was having a ball. We finally slow danced right before last call. I felt like I never had before and something stirred inside we as we danced close and Teddy gently held his smooth hands on my derrière. I knew that I’d reached a turning point and I was delighted with the course that I was taking.
At the ended of the night Teddy and I exchanged mobile numbers. He called me the next day and we met for coffee. I ended up dating Teddy for the next few months which opened yet another chapter of my life as Melissa. That was six years ago and my journey continues without regrets.
Hi Mellissa,
you seem so beautiful, I want to be ‘dressed’ like you. Yes a skimpy frock and stockings well that would be such a sexy look and I would have any lady looking ‘daggers’ at me for trying to take her man away from her. can it be more exciting to be ‘en-femme’ ? with a bunch of friends who know that you are not a girl but still love you as the woman that you are.