Stepping out publicly as a woman is a powerful way to validate your female self.
In fact, I recently published a poll asking “How often do you go out in public as a woman?”
I was happy to see that the majority of my readers (transgender women and crossdressers) go out at least occasionally.
No matter how often you do it, I’m sure you can remember your first time presenting as a woman or crossdressing in public.
Since this is such an important gender-affirming step, I’d love to hear about it!
When was it? Where did you go? And what was your experience?
Please share with us in the comments below!
And if you’ve never been en femme in public, I’m sure you’ll find lots of inspiration in these stories.
As always, thank you for reading and participating!

P.S. If you liked this article, you will love my FREE Unleash Your Inner Woman hypnosis mini session.
My first time, I was 19 years old. I was in York for a week and in a small hotel. Although tall I had a slim figure with long hair and zero beard to worry about. I showered and gave myself an all-over moisturise then dried and brushed my hair into long waves. My undies were next – black and lacey bra and pants with no extra padding but some tape to hide some bits and to give my chest some definition! I pulled on some tights and then a black sweater with a tight tube skirt and some flat shoes. Make-up was simple – light foundation, mascara, a hint of shadow, blusher and some lippy. Pulled on my short coat and mittens, grabbed my handbag and – deep breath – out through the lobby, smiling at the concierge who smiled back, and onto the busy street. Slowly walking down towards the city centre I reached a cross roads and paused to await the signals to change. A mini bus full of guys pulled by, slowed and then wolf-whistles came from the windows before it turned away. The guy next to me turned and grinned at me. Guess I looked astonished as he said, “they weren’t whistling at me luv”! Wow. Somehow I managed to keep calm even though I could feel my heart pounding and raised a “knowing eyebrow” at him as though that sort of thing happened to me all the time. I got nearer to the shops and as it got darker the lights started to come on so I stopped to check my reflection in a window. The blast of an airhorn made me jump and I turned (along with everyone else nearby) in time to see the driver of a dump truck which was pulling out of a building site opposite, give me the universal bent arm sign and stick his tongue out. Major heart attack … but no, I gave him a hard stare and turned away but now a few people were giggling and I shrugged before walking off – trying desperately not to run and to keep my hips rolling. Hell’s Bells. I finally made the shopping centre and chose a large store to go browse around. I checked out all the girly stuff without anyone staring at me so I guessed that, along with the male “approval” I had received earlier, I was passing well. I wandered through to the lingerie where there was a representative for Wonderbra trying to drum up trade. I had picked up a few bras wondering if I dared to buy one when she came up to me and said that there was a special offer on their bras today if I was interested. A bit scratchily and to my own surprise, I muttered “yes”! She looked at my “bumps” and said “perhaps a 32B?”. OK so I really had no idea but nodded and she directed me to the changing rooms saying that I should ask if I needed help. I had no idea if I was breaking any laws but went in and tried the bra on. Amazingly, it fitted reasonably well (with some padding via a few tissues) and I started to get dressed again just pulling my sweater down when the curtains parted and she asked if I was OK. I said it was great and would take it. She then said there were boy pants or a bikini style knicker to go with it then disappeared off to get them. In the end I bought both styles and wandered around more stores before getting back to my hotel room. That was, in all honesty, the very first time I had gone out “en femme” in public. Since then I have shopped, travelled by bus and train around the country dressed mostly casually – you never know, you might actually have seen me!
I’m going out this Saturday to the mall. Any suggestions?
No offense but you need to shave your legs. Pantyhose and hairy legs don’t go together. Just a friendly suggestion.
When I went out for the first time dressed the first thing that I noticed was the breeze blowing my hair and under my skirt.
It was a completely different feeling and I immediately felt like how a woman would feel.
I went to a mall and after I got out of my car and was walking towards the entrance I noticed that there were some construction workers working right there in front of me.
I was really nervous but I continued to walk towards them as if I could care less about what they were doing.
A couple of them looked at me and I just smiled and walked past them without any problem as I opened the door and walked Into the mall.
Once inside I was amazed at the image of myself as I walked by the windows of the shops.
Nobody was paying attention to me as I walked around in the mall.
I even took the escalator up to the second floor.
After I had gained some confidence I went to the food court and ordered a soft drink then I sat down at a table and enjoyed the drink and looking at everything and everyone else in the food court.
After I finished my soft drink I needed to use the ladies room .
Now I was nervous again but I really needed to go so I walked down the hallway and into the ladies room without incident.
I went into a empty stall and used the toilet.
Upon leaving the stall I went to the sinks and washed my hands and touched up my makeup.
I didn’t make a big deal of being able to stand there with a woman on each side of me so I put my purse on my shoulder and walked out noticing that no one had payed any attention to me being in there.
I went into a few shops but didn’t buy anything.
After about a hour I left and went back to my car without any issues.
Since then I have gotten a lot more comfortable with being dressed as a woman and have gotten the confidence to go out to a restaurant and sit down and order from a menu and haven’t had any issues or concerns about being able to do it.
I am straight and married. I always paint my nails, especially toes. I went all out finally the other night! I bought a long blond wig, had a complete head to toe shave, which I always do. I put on lip gloss, foundation to conceal 5 or clock shadow, trimmed my brows, pink eye shadow, black liner, and curling mascara, plus I naturally have long lashes. I had on earrings, ankle bracelet, toe ring and rings. My nails are all pastel purple right now too. I wore my wife’s tight pink tank top with a bra and breast forms under it and a tight short, sexy school girl black skirt cut right to below my buttcheeks!!! I had on a cotton thong underneath and wore my black leather flip flops to show off my cute feet and long smooth legs. I carried a black leather purse and even wore female deodorant and perfume, plus female shampoo and body wash. I drove to a neighboring town and stopped by a truck stop. Coincidentally, my trunk was open so I got out to shut it, nervous of course. I thought I looked pretty good, as the breeze blew the long blond hair from my wig gently. I got out of my car in my cute little outfit, and truckers we’re staring, other girls we’re looking at me 🙂 a truck drove by and said… “Woohoo… my goodness baby yeah!!!” He then whistled at me a few times driving by!!! I’ve never really been into dudes, but WOW this felt great!!! So empowering to be desired in such a way!!! I thought I looked pretty sexy, if I do say so lol. Long live my alter ego “Davica!” (Pronounced Dav-E-Ka) I’m even hoping to tell my wife we should go for Halloween as a role reversal couple, but I doubt she’d do it lol.
my first time to go out in public was when i had a makeover when out of town. the lady who did my makeup really helped my confidence when she said that i looked very nice and could easily pass. my confidence was boasted when she said she would be comfortable going out for drinks with me.after work she meet me and we chatted and i felt so at ease.we were joined by some others and i now have a new group of friends that have accepted me into their group.wish i had done this earlier.
I’m going this Saturday. I’m nervous and excited. I’m getting makeup done etc.. I do know I’m not passable but I don’t care. I bought clothes in stores and tried them on. The SA”s all love me
I still remember the first time I went out to public as a female. Back then, the only things I had in my secret closet were a white floral junior bra, girl’s leggings, a bright green tank top, and a thong. That day, I was determined to go for a walk at a nearby park. So I just wore what I had and drove straight to the park. Before I got out of my car, I was able to hear my heart pounding crazy and looked around the parking lot to check if there’s anyone. When there was no one, I took my first step out to the public as a female and went for a brief walk. At the park, I practiced my famine walk and avoided bumping into other people. Then, I walked along this trail, where anyone rarely walks, and I no longer had to worry about other people. As I wandered aimlessly on the trail, I truly enjoyed how it feels to be a female. I then took a bunch of photos of my-beautiful-ful and appreciated how I look. After few more minutes, I came back to the parking lot, waited until anyone was there, and made a mad dash to my car. Since that day, I became more confident about going out to public as a female and tried to challenge myself by wearing clothes that expose more of my skins.
hi i’m a cross dresser and i go out now in a wig and dress and make up and high heels i’m a little bit in the experimenting stage, i have a litte truble with the way my hair looked that why i got a wig, till me hair gets long, i go out in day time only half dress like as in stocking flate shoes, some make up and shorts or dress with a top, but i manly keep it to full night time cross dressing, it’s very hard to do it in my town, as some of my family hates it and some people hate it they stair once then don’t care, but every Saturday or Friday night when i go out as a cross dresser i feel more and more good about doing it in public, i have just been away and did it in a another town and it was fantastic, and was my first time with a wig, i do not wear a bra or beast firms, as i think i’m right with out them, but one day i might try them, i’m looking at getting a par under counments that make my hip or but look bigger any websites that you can recommend on going into and having a look, as i wont to look more like a lady with the cross dressing. i’m enjoying going out now to 3 places cross dressing as a lady and not hiding be hind close doors makes me feel better, and i even talk about it to people and even post photos and things on Facebook, it all make me feel better, and i would also like to know if you can send me a link to a AUS website so i can meet and ask other cross dressers how get great looks and just to meet them and be there friends. as i have friends that go out and don;t care they support me and even most of my family support me with it all, thanks for your time, i’m going to start get my friends to call my Alana when i go out fully dressed and one day i like to take it all to the next level and be come a lady-boy with the hormones, and i know that i might loss a lot or some friends and family when i go on hormones and become a lady-boy but that the road i’m willing to take to make my self happy, but for now all i can do is cross dress to the full at night some places.
Hi Jane again I feel more confident second time at the local tavern in my black skirt and pink tank top I think I was getting checked out by some men hehe I wish I had done it years ago it feels so sexy