Doing your makeup and getting dressed up is a great way to feel more feminine. But obviously, there’s a lot more to being a woman than that!
To fully embrace your female self, you need to think, act and feel like a woman from the inside out.
That’s why I believe hypnosis can be one of the most powerful tools in your male to female transformation or transition. It can help you shift your mindset, adopt feminine habits, and boost your confidence!
How Does Feminization Hypnosis Work?
During hypnosis, you are guided into a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration. This allows your subconscious mind to more easily make positive changes to your thinking patterns and behavior.
Hypnosis (also known as hypnotherapy) can help you to reprogram your subconscious mind to change unwanted masculine habits. It can also help you become more skilled and natural in your feminine presentation.
Perhaps most importantly, hypnosis is also a powerful tool for releasing fear, guilt, and confusion so you can fully embrace your female self.
Bottom line: Hypnosis can help you become more skilled and confident in all aspects of your feminine experience!
Feel More Feminine with MTF Hypnosis
If you’re intrigued, relax and watch the video above for a mini feminization hypnosis experience. There’s no right or wrong way to do hypnosis, so just relax and enjoy the process!
Free Downloadable Feminization Hypnosis MP3
If you enjoyed the video above, you can also download a FREE copy of the MP3 audio to listen to on the go!
Go here for FREE instant access to my “Unleash Your Inner Woman” feminization hypnosis MP3.
I always thought hypnosis was just a sham,with one person dangling a pocket watch”watch the shiny object” and a straight man,saying “yes,master,I obey”.I proved myself all wrong about that.I was surprised how fast the hypnosis programs worked on me.Now that my breasts are big enough to give me the beginnings of an hourglass figure,I keep wondering about ways to make them big enough to campare them to a woman’s.Also,I took the advice to talk my subcosious mind into acting like a woman’s,with a few twists.During the day whenever I can I tell myself”my fat will move to my thighs and breasts,not my stomach.Any future fat will be stored in my thighs and breasts”,and then I add”I have the body of a teenage girl and my body needs the hormones in the same amounts as a teenage girl”.Then I go on to your suggestion,saying to myself”my testosterone levels are way too high and my body will easily lower them.My estrogen levels are way too low and my body will raise them just as easily”.Because of your program,WOW! What an improvement,and so fast!
thanks xoxo 🙂
hoping to be Nikki
Thank you,
The feminization hypnosis video, I too found it be very helpful and positive. I am very sorry I missed the Friday night program.
Thank Again Lucille
this is a great way to help me feel more relaxed and at ease with my feminine side…thanx lucille !!!
take care
Hi Lucille my sorry i didn’t download your hypnosis program i only had enough money to download your the flat to fem program and thank you for the free hypnosis sample.
This is very empowering. I have been using feminization hypnosis for 2 years, and it really helps. For me it works best Friday after work. I shower, shave, moisturize, powder, make-up, perfume, put on complete jewelry ensemble, polish my nails, and put my hair up high in scrunchie. I wear lace thigh-top hose, panties, and bra under a long sheer crepe dressing robe. Have a small glass of wine, light scented candles, really low lights, lean back and relax in big pillows on my couch. Then play various feminization hypnosis CDs/MP3s for a full hour and just let myself go down as deeply into these as I can, and visualize + feel lots of feminine details and suggestions. I then finish dressing in very average skirt, top, flats, and go out to a movie/coffee with a friend or two and find myself so calm, relaxed, graceful.
Another empowering hypnosis MP3 I bought is 42 minutes of guided relaxation that walks me slowly step by step through visualizing that I am breast feeding. I wear a nursing bra, nice basic skirt, top, flats, make-up, jewelry, perfume. I use a Medela auto-power pump about 15 minutes on each side with my eyes closed following the wonderful visualization hypnosis of the MP3, very slow and focused on being deeply into the experience. Then spend the rest of the morning around the house, cleaning a bit, do the dishes, bake, scrapbook or needlepoint, a load of laundry, some ironing – all slow, easy going, feeling wonderfully domestic feminine, then go out late afternoon for matinee and dinner with friends.
The key is doing it REGULARLY and getting more and more into it each time. IT WORKS!!!
These do amazing things for my feminine mindset, attitude, thoughts. I am so much more confident out
Thank you so much, It was very nice to listen to. What a treat i can really feel the power of it.
That was great I enjoyed it very much. Thank you Lucille.
Thanks again Lucille! This latest feminization info is the most crucial, as you indicatided. I’ve found it very challenging thinking and feeling as a woman much of the time. Being male is so programed in our subconscious, no matter how much effort is made on appearance. We have to continously re program our minds -subconscious till it becomes natural to think and act the women we are inside.
I’m still unemployed, and not able to purchase from you now (credit maxed), so this free video is much appreciated. I look forward to buying products in future, when working! Thanks again and keep up the good work!