Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
I had originally chosen the Name Amadna a Girls name i always loved. But when the day came to choose a name for transition i chose differently.
So how did all this information come to lite for me, well its not as straight forward as it would be for many. I was born with 47 chromosomes. i have a 47XXY chromosonal rating. when i was born the doctors told mom and dad, that because i had a full female reproductive system (Uterus, ovaries, Fallopian tubes. ) and testes that have no spermatogonia (Cells that become sperm). But i did have primordial germ cells (which are the cells that become Ovaries (Eggs). for a girl, The hospital and staff all tried to encourage mom and dad to put me in dresses and give me a female name and raise me as a girl. But being the early 1960s, this was not talked about. And raised as a boy, because i had the exterior body of a male. When i was 10 mom started to give me male hormones and estrogen blockers. when i was 11 i was rushed in for removal of the ovaries, because they were deteriorating. When i was 19 i went to see my doctor because i was going thru severe cramps, the doctor informed me i needed surgery to remove my uterus because it was deteriorating, from the lack of estrogen to sustain it. That is when i found out the truth about how i had been born. a girl, the girl i knew i was since i was 3 years old. With this knowledge
i approached mom who had long since divorced dad. about why her and dad refused to do what the doctors and hospital suggested they do. Mom told me that sex changes were looked down on by society and that everyone would look at me as a freak and that i was a boy period. and that she would never accept me as a girl. From my records mom and dad were adamant about me being raised as a boy, despite the hospital as well as my grand parents sister, aunts and uncles telling them they should make me a girl. Dad on his death bed, told me he was sorry that he never got to know his youngest daughter and told me what he knew, and that mom had fought him on it, which led to them divorcing.
Dad and me talked for hours that last day about all the information the hospital and doctors had told him and mom. i asked dad what name he wanted for me if i had been a girl. He told me Amanda. Mom told me if i was a girl Robin my dead middle name. Grandma and grandpa wanted Claire, my sister suggested Melissa or Milly. My brother never accepted me at all as a boy or a girl, and always called me a mistake. So thats where it all came to my name and the decision i made in the end. Marcy is in honor of my very best childhood friend Marcy fletcher, Ella from my grandmother Ella Nelson and last name Nelson from my grandfathers last name. Marcy Ella Nelson.
My name is Nickolas so I just chose a feminine version of it and use Nikki
I chose the name Amanda, I had wanted to name my daughter that but got vetoed. I decided to keep it.I recently changed it to Abigail or Abbie when I remarried. A fresh start with a wife who accepts me for the girl I am and has helped me along so much. We go out dressed up I’m 5’11” she is 5’4”. It’s so nice to enjoy who I feel I’ve always wanted to be.