Traveling opens up new perspectives and can be especially freeing if you’re a crossdresser or transgender woman.
When you take a trip, it’s a chance to express your feminine self without the routines and expectations of everyday life.
Being your true self in a fresh, unfamiliar place can feel incredibly empowering!
Considering all the benefits of taking a transgender or crossdressing vacation, I’d love to know: Do YOU travel en femme?
Take my poll and share your MTF travel experiences or dreams in the comments!
P.S. If you liked this article, you will love my FREE Male to Female Transformation Mini Course.
I’m flying. As Jennifer I hadn’t flown in 20 years but here I am flying from LAX to DTW. On the outbound (in drab) I talked to a TSA supervisor. I told him I was transitioning to become a woman but I would still be in my male ID for some time. He took it like it was no big deal, no problem, just show two pieces of picture ID like your drivers license and your passport. (He also mentioned Social Security card which is not a picture ID.) ??On the return, as Jennifer, I used my drivers license and a photocopy of my DL with a picture of me as Jennifer attached and the note that, “the person hereon is transgendered and is not dressed in this manner for fraudulent or deceptive purposes.” I also carried a letter from my transgender councilor which I did not have to use. I look nothing like my picture in male mode. (The first time I visited my transgender councilor as Jennifer she comment that she wouldn’t have recognized me if she hadn’t been prepared having seen pictures of me as Jennifer.) ??I was dressed much as my pictures, red hair, face lightly made up, wearing a green, low cut sweater that showed lots of cleavage, a white, 17 inch, mini skirt and white heels. I saw one of my VC girl friends while I was in LA and she thought I looked great in this outfit. ??When I went through TSA security I was wearing an underbust corsets. (I had decided that my figure was a first priority.) I knew I would flunk the metal detector but, so what. I flunked. ??ID security passed me with my two pieces of picture ID. I did have to go through a wanding and pat down. The lady who did me was very polite and treated me like a lady. ??I had been upgraded to Business Class and enjoyed the pampering all the way to Detroit. At all points of the trip I was treated as a lady and often received smiles from other women. My biggest problem was having to wrestle my luggage into and out of the airports. I pack way too much stuff. ??I hope this is helpful. I cherish my time as Jennifer and love to put myself in challenging (but safe) situations. I am a better woman for it. I’m going to be flying as Jennifer a lot more often.
Hugs, Jennifer
Hi Lucille, as you know from my posts I go out and travel in enfemme everywhere! I have been to DisneyWorld,Seaworld,Universal Studios, I travel almost every week-end somewhere! I go to Atlanta,Savannah,Jacksonville,Charlotte,Myrtle beach…shopping and dinning out. I’m planning a trip to Miami and(SouthBeach),on to KeyWest…and YES! I will be in my swimsuit while there@ (a two piece!) LOL Diana P.S. In this pic I was shopping for a new furniture!
Hello sexy , your a hot and sexy lady! I wish I knew you better!
hola! lucy,
i don’t get the chance to say hello to you very often, however, i would like to say, i appreciate your femininer advise a lot. i am from guadalajara mexico, i speak spanish, do you?
Yes, dressing in public is so cool! I do it as much as possible. Feeling a light breeze slightly lift my skirt or dress and caressing my silky lingeree will always bring me a special joy.
When I travel out of town by car I get completely en femme. I go into rest areas and check into motels that way. I did have a scare onetime in a car. I was wearing a short skirt and a truck driver was looking down into my car. At first it was fun to tease a little but not a lot. He kept passing me and slowing down. He started blinking his lights at me and I pulled into rest area and he followed so I continued on out. I got off at next exit and he did not follow. The other thing I am working on I have one set of slacks and blouse with no pleats I wear a suit jacket at work so it is easy to hide and of course I can wear my bra all day.
Hiya All!!
To me being a woman is my whole life’s dream and goal. I have never been out anymore as a male. Even when I have guest or visit friends overnight I am always the lady. I do have a garden which is one acre and I have always acted a lady even then. I cant remember when ever I did not leave the house without my purse. Very seldom do I wear a bra ( Barely a 38 “C” ) and makeup. When I do dress up I catch the eyes of guys as well as other ladies, sorry I am a lesbian. So I am very open and just plain little ole me!!
Have fun you’all
I have been living full time for the last 15 months and feel uncomfortable
unless I am in female attire I have not had any problems even without makeup I am always maamed and treated female by both men and women any were I go. I also keep being recorded as female whenever I am giving info to someone who is filling out any form or application everywhere I go which has confused some people when my legal name is also on there. But I have a bit of an advantage being on hormone therapy for 2 years I don’t really dress up a lot just casual, sometimes light makeup but most of the time no makeup. I really am lucky I did not have a lot of facial hair and laser cleared it up. I do have a natural female shape, no adam’s apple and really good skin, but I am tall almost 5’11” so with heals I can be awful towering and have your typical large hands. I wanted to share with everyone the biggest thing I have noticed that you need to pass, is to be feminine in your actions such as walking, body language, and how you talk. That is more important than how you look and what pitch your voice may be. But the number on thing you need is confidence and belief in your own femininity! I really like reading these blogs and Lucille’s e-books. I was on herbal for two years before switching to hormone therapy and it does help a lot, but, if your going all the way permanent find a therapist and a endocrine Dr and just be it.
i go to the clubs in the summer dressed in fem. I have not however come out to fiends and family yet because I know they will try to talk me out of doing it at all