Note from Lucille: This is a guest post from my friend, Samba Teacher and Booty Shaking Expert, Theresa Stevens. She shares her best samba secrets for feminine hip and booty movements! Incorporate these MTF exercises into your male to female feminization routine to transform your body movements.
Hi there, beauties!
My name is Theresa Stevens, and I’m a Samba dancer and teacher … and a Booty-Shaking Expert. Great job title, right? 🙂
I pretty much love my mission in life: helping people all over the world feel more sensual and free in their bodies… with dancing.
I truly believe that our hips are the “Pleasure Center” of our bodies!
And when you feel connected to your hips when you sit, stand, and walk, it allows you to feel effortlessly graceful – and makes you magnetically attractive to other people, too.
Many people think that women can innately move their hips with ease and grace because they were born with a certain anatomy… but dancing enables EVERYONE to shake their hips in a sexy way.
Dancing is an awesome way to overcome your male anatomy and master sexy, natural hip movements.
If you want instant proof, look to the Brazilian culture…
When I lived in Brazil, I was surprised to see more men than women out on the dance floor, moving their hips to the music and looking incredibly sexy while they danced.
Another fun thing about Brazil is that transgender people are celebrated during the festival of Carnaval. The spirit of Brazil is all about celebrating life and shaking what your momma gave you!
Intrigued? Let’s get to some hot hot dance tips!
Here’s how to get sexy movement from your hips:
Step 1: Find Your Position
First, you need to bend your knees and learn how to dance in what I call the African Seated Dance Position.
This is the first essential step because if you don’t bend your knees when you dance, you aren’t going to get much movement from your hips.
So bend your knees and feel like your back is sliding straight down a wall, about 6 inches. This is the position to dance in!
Step 2: Squeeze One Hip
Once you are in the African Seated Dance Position, the next key move is to learn how to squeeze your hip UP on one side.
Keeping your knees bent, squeeze one hip UP on the side. Then release that hip and come back to the center African Seated Dance Position again. Then squeeze the other hip UP.
Step 3: Swing Both Hips
Keep going, squeezing your hips up from side to side.
The trick is to always come back to the African Seated Dance Position and keep your knees bent. That’s how you get nice, bold, sexy swinging hips that are ready to play the bass with their movement!
BEST OF ALL, practicing this movement builds a connection with your hips – helping you achieve a sexy, feminine hip sway as you walk throughout the day.
Sexy hip movements come from engaging your core muscles and your inner thighs – and with a little playful practice, you will understand how to make these movements as subtle or audacious as you please.
I hope you enjoyed my dance tips! Leave us a question or comment below.
In love, light, and the beauty of the shaking booty,
Theresa Stevens
Samba Dancer & Teacher
Booty Shaking Expert
P.S. Ready to master ALL your feminine moves? This is one of the topics I cover in detail in The Stepping Out Secrets Program.
Click here to learn more or to sign up for a FREE preview!
Hi this message is for deana she looks very beautiful thanks so much for your post lucille.
Terrific tips! I think yoga helps too – with stretches that open the hips, and by strengthening the core and hip flexors. This can help make the dancing feel more natural.
I learned by swooping my hips when walking and pretending I have a small hula-hoop revolving around my waist. I practiced a lot at the supermarket because I noticed it was easier when pushing a shopping cart! LOL!
Now it comes pretty naturally to me. But walking like a lady is something that needs to be practiced!
One remark out of my own and other experiences.
As being born hermaphrodite I have wider hips than most males, but even I had to learn to move them to enable a GENTLE hipsway while walking.
AS semi-proffesional catwalk trainer for model wannabee’s I must clearly say; use a gentle hipsway. even many natural born women (and those with over or underweight)have no clearly defined hipsway.
there is indeed some hipsway, and one does it more than the other (especially those with natural wider hips, and/or walking on 4″+ high heels ), yet most miodel agencies, clearly refrain the modls from using an over exagurated hipsway. and tg women should do neither, as this is an unnatural motion that draws the wrong attention.(sorry, but many tgwomen still encounter violence)
hope to advised you like you did me.
I love moving my hips. Another way I found to move my hips was when I was learning to belly dance. Because there are a lot of hip movement in this.
Always have wanted to be a woman
I love to move my hips when I walk around dressed as a woman also when I am wearing men’s clothes I [need] have to do it as often as possible
I love your blogs, Lucille. Thanks for your help