Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
Hi Lucille,
I know I’m way too late for the contest, but I thought I’d my comment anyway. When I was younger, and still male, I had a crush on a couple different girls, both named Jennifer. Plus, I still have a little girl crush on Jennifer Love Hewitt. My middle name is Elise. I first heard that name on Family Ties. She was the mother, Elise Keaton. I’ve always like that name from then.
Jennifer Elise just flows off the tongue, at least I think so.
I chose the name Tammi because somehow my catalogs I had been getting from a girls clothing company changed my name from Tommi to Tammi and I really liked that and thats the name I chose
Hi Tammi,
I was wondering if that’s you in the pic you included with your comment.
Yeah Jennifer, if it is her, she looks great doesn’t she!.
I know the contest is over i just wanted to say in my case i was a michelle fem version of michael didi i was a big fan of the stephanie kramer character on hunter but finaly became denise it felt right and i absolutely love denise richards the actress
Leanne will be my middle name, actually, based on a male family name, in case there are any good graces for me to remain in, should I ever come out to them LOL!
Theresa will be my first name, and I was once told would’ve been my birth name. It’s my mother’s Confirmation name, taken, I presume, from the Catholic saint commonly called “The Little Flower,” a young nun named (in religion) Therese, of Lisieux, France. U.S. Social Security reports a spike in first-name Theresas (all spellings) in the 1930s-50s, which I attribute to her canonization in the ’20s. That would put me and a handful of schoolmates I knew in parochial school and college at the tail-end of a trend, but still well within it. The fact that Terry does double-duty genderwise is an unintended bonus, tho for some reason I prefer Teri, which doesn’t really!
In any case, embracing the name I would’ve been given at birth reminds me how long I’ve been a girl really – my whole life.
Theresa, my feminine name is Miriam Terez Faustiana. I was born October 1st, when that was still the feast day of the Little Flower. Before I knew that connection I developed a devotion to Therese (Terez). Miriam is Mary in various middle eastern languages, and the name of the Mother of God-Jesus, of Mary Magdalene, of Mary mother of James and Joses, and the other Mary at the Cross and Tomb. Faustiana combines Faustina and Ann (mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary). The fact that the initials of the three names is MTF, as in male-to-female was totally unintentional. God bless you in the Little Flower and all the saints.
Oops. I was born October 3rd, when it was still her feast day. Now her feast day is October 1st.
My name was given by my father, after one of his favorite Scottish songs.
Ironically it is a transgender name because it can be male or female.
I am way too late to enter your competition, only just found this blog.
I am happy with this name, no matter which way I go.
I’m too late for the contest, just saw this, but wanted to share anyway. My male name is Craig Aaron. It was very important to have the same initials, because that ties my history together. I have Welsh and Norwegian heritage, and since the last name is Welsh, I looked at Welsh names with those letters. Ceri is the Welsh spelling of Carry which is a derivative of Catherine.
Hi Lucille,
I think you may have your months wrong. ( perhaps June?) and July?
I’ll announce the winner on Tuesday, May 24, so submit your entry by leaving me a comment now!
P.S. Comments posted by Midnight Pacific Time on Monday, May 23 are elibible for the giveaway. The giveaway is open to worldwide entries. The necklace will be shipped by June 7, 2011. If you are located outside the U.S., you will be responsible for any customs or duty fees charge by your country.
My name was given to me. Richard Allen which is a great uncle somewhere back then. As for which side of the linage is a mystery at this time.
My feminine name is Rochelle Richardson.
I really don’t know anyone by that name. I’m able to get away with looking masculine, is because Rochelle is my evil twin sister.
I came up with this name some 20 yrs ago. I thought it would fit my attitude towards life and people.