Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
My name, legally changed on 21 May 2002, was chosen under different circumstances.. “Rachel” – My birth name was Raymond and when I told my mother about my transitioning she stated that she would always call me Ray. Being Jewish (converted), I decided to choose Rachel (Rae is short for Rachel). She calls be Rach, due to my sweet-twin sister Rose…”Elain” – is due to an old friend I once loaned a pencil to in high school (symbolic to giving my maleness away) 5 letters to keep the :6-6-6 letters away…and “Somers” – was the hardest name to come up with.. I did not want to use my adopted (dads’ side) name, due to remembrance of not so good times; mom did not want me to use my birth name, her maiden name or her G-ma’s maiden. Going through a tech school, a fellow student asked me to use hers, Sommers. I tried to spell it out by writing, but could not get used to the two M’s. My instructor stated to use one M, like Susan. Tried it out and it was like a light was lit, destined of who I am. A cooperative group of adults working together in 2002, of which I would always be grateful for.
I choose Jessica because it is a beautiful family name that has a ring to it.
My first choice was Susana (Susan in Spanish) which soon I found that was too formal. I wanted something more sexy and many people began to call me Susy which is the nick name of Susana in Spanish. I ended up finding another vesion by adding another S to make it more personal. The result was
Sussy which I like a lot.
I will still share how I chose my fem name. I wanted a name that meant something and was not the average run of the mill. I went to the internet and did a search for classical names for females. I must have looked at over a hundred. Then I saw “Zita” It has two meantings, Little girl and seeker. I changed it to “Zyta”. I now have a facebook page for ZytaK, had to add my last initial because Zyta was already taken. I am starting to go out more and trying more new places. So far the only place I did not feel welcome was a club that caters to crossdressers. It is a preppy place where they are kind of snooty. I have stopped telling the places I shop that I am buying for a friend. I am finding more people to be accepting of this. I have actually been accepted more as a crossdresser than I ever was as a straight guy.
Shame the contest is long over. But I would like to share my name. This is my first time ever posting in anything public. But here goes…….
When I decided on choosing a “fem” name, I thought about it for long time. I finally decided to pick a name using my first and middle initials, DW. Then I started thinking about names for my initials. Finally I settled on Diana for my first initial, after the lovely Princess Diana. Then for my second initial, I settle on Whitney for the very beautiful Whitney Houston. Thus I became Diana Whitney C………..
Okay yes I know the contest is over as this is 2015 I think I missed it by a few years but now as to the other meaning of the M. well I’m still thinking about it and haven’t settled on one just yet but I’ll tell you the candidates one possible is Maria I’m not really sure if that’s the one or not but I do rather fancy the name another possible is Michelle which I kind of like it too although it is a little long so I’m still leaning more towards Maria as it is a little sexier I think as either a Spanish or Italian I do think its the one I’m going to go with really and now as for the J. I’m kind of sticking with it so I can kind of still go by Jo but it will be a feminine version Jolene I know the spelling might be a little different but I like it and that is what matters I think so my new feminine name would be Maria Jolene or as I’m using it now M.J. as I like either I never did like the name Mary Jane much but I do like the nickname M.J. Mary Jane makes me think of something else an old school name for it but still anyway Love M.J.
Late again but here goes:
Jo for John
Anne for my mother, wife and sister.
Mr Freud make of that what you will
I know the contest is over but I would like to let you know how I choose my name. I is part of my given name it is my actual middle name my parents gave me thank you mom and dad!!!