Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
I have always known that my insides were all girl, my outsides always betray me. But, I have always related to the arch-angels and the name Michael, but its a boys name. So I liked Michelle! When I was a teen and being confirmed I wrote on the paper I gave the bishop the name “Michelle”. I was confirmed Michelle!! and I like to be known as Shelli.
I use to love to watch ‘Sabrina’ the teenage witch. Loved that show and her black cat. Hence Sabrina but since it’s not on any official documents I’m free to alter the spelling of it as the whim strikes me. Such as ‘Zabrina’ or Saabrina or even Sabreena …etc.
My femme name (Cara) was chosen for me by my aunt who searched for me for about 15 years after I was placed into foster care By a clinically-not-all-there mother. apparently she WAS supposed to adopt and raise me but, yeah. So when she did finally find and meet me after all that time and I told her I’m Transitioning, She was given the honor of picking my new name, something me and my wife both agree she should have been able to do when I was born. (funnily enough her name is Carla)
I am just now getting comfortable with the fact that I’m transgender. It seems I have been this way for decades without realizing it. I’m sure this is a familiar story. While in the beginning I wondered what was wrong with me and after struggling for several years with what happens in my head, I adopted the attitude, “It’s ME!! Get used to it!” Now that I understand WHY I’m like this, I am slow to embrace it. The attitude that accompanies “It’s ME!! Get used to it!” has a certain panache about it that goes hand in glove with being transgender. I have the clothes, I’ve been taking natural breast enhancers. (Yes, phyto-estrogens work and without a prescription. Be careful though, they can cause gallstones.) It is time to think of names, I’m going with Amanda. I like it. It’s a pretty name. To acknowledge my move forward, I chose Dawn as a middle name. It is a nice combination, don’t you tink? Not legal yet, but it’s coming.
I am lucky to have a great fem name my mom named me Rene since then I have completed my full name change it is officially Renee Marie
i chose Lucia because it was the name of the first girl I was engaged almost to be married but the destiny separated us, my second name Anell becomes from the name of Ana the mother of the Mary Virgin.
Although not legally changed yet. Name and gender change in my neck of the woods is a little pricey. I am using it now as much as possible. My given birth name is Michael, I going by a female version of same, Mychal and the short version is Myke. Going to drop the middle name which is Robert. Because of just using the initials it says M.R.Bosley , kinda counter productive, don’t you think.
My name hasn’t been legaly changed yet, but it will be. My wife knows a little french and calls me her sunshine so when we were picking a new name for my new life. She thought a respelling of the French word for sunshine would be great. It sounded so beauitiful I fell in love with it instantly and never looked back.