Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
The first time I got caught mom asked me what I called myself. I had never thought about it. I had just read the cartoon Little Orphan Annie and the dog’s name Sandee came to mind so I said Sandee. It has been the same ever since.
I took Gail it was a name that I like even in grammar school I did try other names like Gloria and Rachel but with that there is a Rachel ray so. That was out I found a web with female names on the year I was born this did help me as well warm thoughts gail
I used Gail always like that name even in grammar school in the 60sand Michelle for my middle and ill keep my last name I did try other names like Gloria ,Rachel and Vicki but I feel I’m a Gail and not a Gloria ,or Rachel,or Vicki and I feel good so any one who can’t make up your mind go to a web called names and of the year you born in this will help I have help one girl do this and found her name that fit her warm thoughts gail
I would also like add the character was a princess in show but turned into a woman warrior I to think and act like one myself at times no matter what i’m wearing princesses can be warriors to doesn’t have be guys all time plus it’s slight difference from my male name
Hi my name is Isabella Lilly Vines and i chose my name in honor of my deceased transgender daughter who passed on in a car accident in 2015 and I chose to use her beautiful name because we were transitioning together and I lost my everything and my daughter who was going to get a second chance at life and happiness And a mommy so I decided ather ffuneral that I would finish my transition into a beautiful feminine woman in my princesses honor and keep her spirit of my daughter with her mommy and use her beautiful name Isabella Lilly Vines and now I have a part of my princess with me thank you
I did’nt know bout any contest althought not worried it anyway my name came about from t’v show that took off from hurcules it was followed by xena princess warrior because of her courage and determation she had so i was called zena with z instead of letter x also they say diamite comes in small packages
Hi Lucille and all our gurlfriend
Like a bunch of us, I know I am way to late for the contest.
It’s 2017 and I just found Lucilles’ site in March. But I would like to share too.
He started out calling me Andria, Andi for short. He was to scared to let me out then, I finally told him that his Grandmothers names were Tina and Dora, that, that’s my first and middle names since his initials are T.D.H. . I know they don’t roll off the tongue perfectly but I like them.
Anyway ladies thank you for all the wonderful stories here.
And Lucille thank you especially for this blog, it feels so nice to know someone out there cares about us.
Much love ❤
Tina D. H.
My first name I thought was pretty and signaled a new beginning in my life. My middle name was my younger sister’s middle name. I use it to honor her.