Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
I was married to a wonderful woman for 38 yrs. who understood and accepted my girly side. We never put out a name on my girly side other than ( the other woman or my alter ego.
Three yrs ago she past away from cancer. Before she left she said ‘ my only worry when I leave this world is her.’
I said maybe we should
Pick a name and you can take it with you.
We talked for awhile about our girly adventures we had together.
She told me that I should start coming out of the closet, meet new people,do new thing’s aventurine out be free as the wind.
Two minutes later as we were listening to the radio the song ‘Wendy’ played.
Well that’s all she wrote. She said be free as the Wind so I use an i not an e’
Hi Lucille and our Girlfriends.
I chose the feminine name,
Annette, after I first saw this beautiful
middle aged Italian American woman
I met at a family party.
She was very attractively
and feminely dressed
in a pretty red knee length dress,
silky sheer black nylon stockings
with reinforced heels and toes,
with her gorgeous feminine looking legs,
and her wearing her shiny 3 inch high heel pumps on her pretty feet.
Her hair style and makeup ,
pretty lipstick she wore made her
lips look so unviting,
and so kissable ,
and her matching nail polish
made her look so feminine, sexy
and arousing to me.
At that moment, it was like an epiphany for me, and I desired to look, be like her,
and adopt her female name,
Annette, for myself.
I just wanted to become her twin sister
since that day, and I tried to copy her
womanly dressing and her look from that day on!
My name is a bit of a story, I’ll shorten it as much as possible! I was married to a real woman that cancer stole from me. The day after her funeral I was sorting out her clothes and came to one she looked especially hot in and since she was only 1.5 inches shorter than I was and she would borrow my clothes when she was doing something dirty or messy so instead of sorting it I tried it on and it fit pretty good! So I started the sort all over again and included her bras and stockings that I used as filling. So since I was going to be wearing her lingerie, blouses, dresses,pretty much everything except shoes(she had women’s 8, I have mens 12) I thought I could use her name as well!
You look great girl
I recognized early on that I wanted to retain my initials, they have a special significance for me.
I went through a lot of feminine “S” names trying many on, but finally came back to a femme variation of my birth name.
I didn’t want to go with the common Stephanie or close variant, and none of the others (Steffi, Stevie) seemed right either. I finally settled on Stefanya as having the right combination of visuals and exotic sound that I wanted.
Originally I spelled it with an i, “Stefania”, but found that folks had trouble pronouncing it. So I switched to the “y” and that seems better. I look how it looks better too actually, so it’s a win/win.
My path to my middle name is a convoluted story, I THINK I’ve finally settled on what it is.
Since my family heritage is Norwegian I picked the female version of my male name. I kept my middle name(Addison) because it was my father’s name but can either be male or female. In that way my initials remain the same.
Well my name was easy to create.
I am normally Stephen, so that easily shortened to Steph. But also I know another Steph that I greatly admire.
It was curious but one day I had to write my name but by mistake I wrote “Alice” and after thinking about it I loved it and decided that would be my name.
tessa … the quest for tessa – I searched long & found me by adding the letters sa to my three initials Finding the real me in a name was a dunting task, I searched everywhere befor finding the real me. So totally me..Tessa – say it slow or fast ! …so simple…Soo me…so beautifully femme & sexy ~smiles~ (t ess ah) Last name Sheay .. you see I am she first !