Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
My first name I picked from a website that showed a list of poular names from around the year I was born. I was looking through the lists, I knew that I wanted it to start with an A because my best friends name starts with an A, and when I saw Alexis I thought it sounded like a happy name and thats how I always wanted to feel… Happy. At the time when I picked it for some reason I didn’t like how it was spelled so I added an S and the S just seemed to stick.
My last name is a version of one I made up when I was in high school. I like it since it reminds me of what I was like back then and how far i’ve come since then.
I go by Brianna,but everyone calls me day I looked in my moms journal.the name she picked for me as a girl was brianna so I stuck with name as a boy was bryant.but Brianna is me and I was to have this name
I love frilly, dainty, lacy and feminine clothes. Since Frilly, Dainty and Feminine don’t make for very good names, I chose Lacey. Besides it is sort of unique in the community with not too many other girls with the same monicer. My last name is my given last name.
Hello; I have been Donald for the last 63 years and when I started the Flat to Fem program five months ago and said I need a new name.With these new large and firm breasts and I might add hard to hide.I watch NASCAR and number 4 is Danaica. I love my new name.
you have breasts AND a beard? O.o how does that work?
While I’m not Donald, I also have a beard I’m not ready to part with. I can stand in front of the mirror enfemme and admire myself with no problem but it keeps me from taking the big step of going out in public. Someday maybe I’ll drop the beard and then…
I go by Kacee, which is an acronym for my initials. My full name is Krystina Alexandria Caitlynne Elisabeth Elliston. I chose all of the names with help from my wife. Krystina, just because I’ve always loved it, Alexandria is my daughter’s name, Caitlynne is for a very close friend who died several years ago, and Elisabeth is my wife’s middle name (she spells it with a “z” tho. Elliston comes from a small town we lived in when I was a child. I had a blast at the DMV when I changed my license!! The poor clerk about had a stroke when she read my paperwork!! Bless us all and good luck evertyone!!
Thank you Lucille!!
Luv ya!!
I chose the name Marcia Delmar to make it feminine and Delmar as in Del Mar Thoughrobred Club in California!
Well, I started out at a different name than Kelli and you’re so right, we do have unique opportunity to choose a name. I have a reason for each of my full name – Crystal Kelli Lynne Rossi. A friend that helped me to come out chose the name “Kelli” for me. She thought it was sweet so I went with it. Crystal came from my fondness of Crystal Gayle, the country singer and I just always liked that name. “Lynne”, the most special part of my full name, is in honor of a lady I knew when we were kids. We couldn’t quite piece together how we knew each other and what we did, but we grew up in the same area and that was like 40 years or more ago. She passed away and I remember her to this day because of taking her name with her spelling of it. Rossi is the family name of the first girl that I knew of that had a crush on me when I was a kid.
I know it’s kinda long, but I do like to spin a yarn. Hope all is well.
I’ve bounced between several, but I’ve settled on Anne.
Ha, it’s quite the lazy reason actually, my GM name is Anthony-I just figured it’s the female counterpart.