Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
I have chosen the name Jacki, because my parents and other family member calls me Jackie. The name was from a family friend who was killed with my dad, while driving a logging truck full of logs for the mills. Both were traveling together and had been friends for a long time. My Mom thought it would be a great way of remembering my dad and their friend Jackie
I hose the name Julie because one of my friends is one of the sexiest women I know. Perfect body, beautiful face, all the things I would like to be. She can have any man she wants! If I could just a tenth of her assets, I owuld be passable beyond compare.
I chose my name, fioralba phebe h. (h. Being my last name initial) for a few reasons… For one, i love italian names, and this was a great one! Another reason is, i like deep meanings, and so fioralba means flower of the dawn, and phebe is bright or brilliant! Thus my name is brilliant flower of the dawn, born at a new start of life!
I took the name Sally several years ago when I decided to adopt a feminine roll. Sally was my childhood mentor, I didn’t know until many years later the reason that Sally never married or had boyfrends. My life choices and events have paralled hers and that is why I chose to call my feminine personality Sally.
as many do i went through a few names but none would take the me than one day my real name being william a best friend called me wilma roberta and it stayed everyone calls me wilma and even the guys called me wilma even before i took the name as i remember my grandmothers all called me wilma some of the guys do the flintstones by yelling wilma all the time and now i only answer to wilma or roberta it to the point that my name i was born with is not there anymore it had a lot to do with the flintstones
I chose this name because it sounds nice. 😀
Since I was very young for me my name was Marie-Andrée because all french girl had Marie in their name and in the orphenage they call me Andre and I put both name together and it gave me the name i’m using since many years now
I’m sorry for my mistake in english
Thank you
My boy name is abiel, on my birth certificate is but in my feminine side is abby is the name a friend pick for me as a female name till one day I’ve moved with one of my good friends too his name is Joe his 65 a great fried our neighbor was and old daddy who’s named is Barbara who I toll my story she had a dog name cookie.and we both loved to do garden and one day she seen me in the middle of the garden full of roses and she toll me I don’t see you as an abby, I see you as a libi. For Beutyfull and you reminded me of a humming bird that go from flower to, flower I stared crying and we Hugh.
she was a verry wonderful woman after a while I moved and I went back to her house to visit after 2 years she got verry sick her soon came from Colorado and took her with him I went to visit and she was gone I heart was crushed I never got to say good bye so that’s why I picked libi.