Your name is an important part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a crossdresser or trans woman, you have the unique privilege of choosing your own female name—a name that truly reflects who you are.
For many of you, there’s a special story behind your chosen name.
So, I’d love to know: What’s the meaning behind your feminine name?
Share your name and the story of how you chose it in the comments below.
I can’t wait to hear your story!
Hello Lucille,
Having been stripped of all my pride.
I’ll tell you honestly how I came about the name. “Bess Lacey Bleu”
Well, “Bleu” is short for blue & blow job. I was an honorably discharged veteran of the USAF-ANG. I like the color “blue”
(especially “lacey blue” womens undergarments. I was also born “premature” by about a month. So I was a “blue baby” and had to be incubated.
The “blow job” part. Well, in San Fransisco about 3 years ago I walked the streets in high heels. And a “flower print” dress with blonde flowing hair. And a “complete” facial makeover done by another “transgendered” person. I was on Sr hormones at the time for 8 months a regular daily regimine of (estradiol, progesterone, spirolactone, & fincar) & “Very” femine. My breasts were starting to get sore with the new growth of blood vessels behind the “areola’s”
The cost of this “make-over” was a simple “blow job” that I performed on the transgendered “sister”.
So hence the name “bleu”
“Bess” is am old “egyptian” fertility Goddess.
So simply I chose the name.
“Bess Lacey Bleu” for myself symbolizing
“Fertility starts with a lacey blow job”…
Honestly & Sincerely,
Bess Lacey Bleu
(No Std’s or HIV)..Please Practice Safe Driving & Safe Sex.
My name is Michelle, I choose it because I really like my male name Miguel, wich is San Miguel arcangel the one ho defeated the devil, i feel it like near to god, that’s why I choose Michelle, the femmenie name.
I joined a trans website which required me to choose a female name as part of the account creation process. I had less than 2 minutes before the sign up would have timed out, so I had to quickly think of a name. The first name that came to mind was Julie. It was the name of a colleague who I really admired, and it just felt right. Later I found that Julie is a derivative of my mum’s name (Jill), which has brought my mum and I really close together.
I’ve since legally changed my name to Julie.
Hi my name is Stacy my birth name Steven when i was little i would say around 5 y/o I used to ask my sister why my name was Steven, she told me that they gave me that name because my dad liked it, My mother thought i was going to be a girl and had my name picked out to be Stacy, I remember telling my mother from a very early age that i felt as if i was a girl and not a boy, let me tell you back in the late 50s and early 60s this was a very closed subject the word transgendered was un herd of. My mother just passed away in feb of this year she was 85 but she knew in her heart that i was a very speical person and always told me that being of both genders was a very speical gift from god. so i look at my self in that speical way. i have been married for 32 years have raised 4 sons and have 3 grand babys i feel very luckey to have the wife and family i have. my wife has always known that i have the gift of both genders, so please tell your readers that being the way we are is a gift not a curse. like the old saying god doesent make any junk. its who we are as a person is the most speical gift you can ever have. ps it always make me smile when i see a email from you, you are very speical to me lucille we as transgendered people thank you so much for being there for us, dont ever leave us love you stacy clearmont. pps We lost our oldest son his name was steven jr to a brain asusurm last august he was just 30 y/o just to tell people that each and every day is a gift so embrace who you are and love your self, god bless
Hi! My full name is Cheryl Katherine Crawford. It came about as a combination of Cheryl’s I have known and famous Cheryl’s i.e. Teigs, Ladd, Cole, and Hines. Crawford comes from…you guessed it Cindy! My idol for feminine beauty. Especially now that we’re both in our 40’s. Katherine really just came from the way it all sounded together and I liked the initials!
Hello Lucille.
I chose my name by looking back through my past. I had a friend that was particularly sexy and very much a slut, her name was Betty, the name suits my behaviour when dressed as a gurl.
Love your program and my breasts are growing nicely, after only three months I am already wearing a sports bra to hide them while at work.
Thanks lovely.
I actually tried on several names before settling on Kayla.
For some reason Kayla just seemed to stick. Just the right amount of femininity for me.
Thank you for all you do for us.Leah is the name I like. Leah means “sex slave”. I like the thought of being a sex slave for someone.A sex slave,tgirl slut.MMMMMM!!!!!!!LOL,Leah!