Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
Hi Lucille,
When I first came out and went to a support group I didn’t have a name picked out. At that meeting they insisted I just pick a feminine mane. I chose Barbara. While in that group I knew I never felt connected to the name Barbara, and became very dissatisfied with it. After two years I went back into the closet, which is a whole other story. Six years later, I was reemerging and knew not to make the same mistake at just ramdomly chosing a name. It was to important. I went on a soul search for a name. Nothing that went with my male name worked for me. Just didn’t feel right. I kept come back to Rene’ because it was both a male and female name. I thought that was something that really expressed me being trans. Being stuck between genders. I chose Elizabeth as my middle name, after my first girlfriend from middle school. She in her own way helped me explore some of my gender confussion at the time. So coming back out into the world I became and still am Rene’ Elizabeth.
When I was growing up my best friend and who I shared secerts with passed away do to heart promblems.I was 13 at the time and my real name was Ken and my best friend back then was named Kim.Before she passed away I have already told her that I was more female then male but she already knew that.When I changed over my looks to female I choose the name Kimberley so that I never will forget the first true best friend I ever had.Just typing this now i’m already starting to get tears in my eyes.I use my name Proudly and she is always in my mine and I try my best to be the best Kimberley I can that I know she looks down from Heaven at me with a big smile and then I smile.Well there is alot more to this story but then it would be a book.
That’s the sweetest thing dear!! I chose Rachael for my middle name for similar reasons. It was my last female partner’s middle name. She died in a car accident almost three years ago and I still think about her a lot. She knew who I really was inside – the first person I ever shared myself with completely. I wasn’t yet ready to transition but when she died, I knew it was time. It could all be over tomorrow, and I’d have never gotten the chance to tell the world who I really was! I know she’s proud of me!
I chose my name, because it brought to my mind beauty and femininity.
Mom was supposed to have a baby girl and she would have been named felicha. Felicha would have been my older sister but she was a still born. When mom was carrying me she was told by the doctor that I was going to be a girl so she was going to call me dawn and we see how that work out for mom when I was born. When I choose my new name it had to be for the two baby girls the never made it in to the world. My last name came from my husband and that completely did away with who I was at birth.
My name has a lot of history and affection attached to it. My last name is from my paternal grand parents from Norway. Olson was my grandmother’s maiden name. I never knew her as she died before I was born, but I wanted to honor her as I understand she was a fabulous lady. The main Olson family still lives outside of Norway.
My first name is a combination of my first and second serious girl friends. My first love was Carol and she always had a twinkle in her eye, something I have found I also have. My second girl friend was Lynn and she was a striking blond, tall like me. My middle name is due to my Faith in God. And, my nickname is “CC” is ironically the name of the first girl I kissed…in 5th grade…CeCe Kennedy. So, all it all, my names tie in together.
Minus the nails you look VERY NATURAL! I love your name… it fits you very well.
The name i was given at birth was to macho for me. When choosing a name my wife and I looked for a name that we both felt would fit. We tried many names and decided that Rachel was the best fit for my personalty. Wife and friends call me Rach for short.
i chose the name Jasmine as my female name in part because I don’t like the feminized version of Josh, Jocelyn, and also because it’s a more gentle and feminine name, that is unlikely to be quickly traced back to my full male name Joshua. Jasmine is also the name I thought sounded prettiest, I picked it out before I turned ten
Hi Lucille,
Yes darling we have the advantage to pick a name that we like.
My story is that I have my feminine feelings from my youth.
With ups and downs I became more feminine and I met a woman (first only on the phone) and she has a passion for TG-women.
She gave me lots of tips to be more feminine.
But 1 time we were on the phone and she asked me if I had a female name.
I said to her that Ill never think about a real name for myself.
She said to me that she looks for a good name for me thats fits my person and she knows me very well.
She came with the beautiful name DENISE I loved it right away and we both cried on the phone.
She said to me that for her Im Denise for the rest of our lives.
Thats now 7 years ago and we have now a living apart together relationship and we love eachother so much.
And I can be myself with her.
Thank you Lucille that you make it possible that I can tell my story here.
And offcourse for your great tips.
Love and kisses to you