Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
I didnt want my name to resemble or remind me of my old life so I actually listed every name from every letter of the alphabet that I could think of. From Abigail to Zoe, I said them out loud, until one clicked. I had spent a year being Kiera (chosen by my partner at the time) and as much as I loved the name it wasnt me. In the end it had to be Beth. And I was inspired to chose my last name by my style icon and how I feel it suits my personality 🙂
My name was a process that seemed to take sometime. It began many years ago right after high school. At the time, the show Designing Women starring Delta Burke was very popular. I felt and still do feel that I related very much Delta’s character, Suzanne Sugarbaker. So, first choice was naturally Suzanne Sugarbaker. However, if I remember right, shortly after that I took to making a long list of names I liked, namely by the sound, how they looked and how truly feminine they felt to me. As I went though the list over and over again though, I did not settle on Suzanne Sugarbaker. Burke as a last name seemed to come to me constantly and so it quickly become mine. My first name at the time took sometime I think. I eventually decided on Darla-Ann though, which was a cross version of Delta and a friend/waitress, Darcy; whom I worked with at a restaurant at the time. Not being legal and full-time then though, I struggled with my name for years to come until about 4 or 5 years ago when I settled on my current and now fully legal name, Darlene Jeane Burke. Burke from Delta Burke, Burke meaning ‘From The Fortress’, and Jeane meaning ‘God is Gracious’ from another favorite actress of most, the great Norma Jeane Baker aka Marilyn Monroe. Darlene was chosen because of family and also because it is a derivative of Helen, a name both my grandmothers shared in their name; one as her middle, and the other as her first name. Helen of Troy of course was a great Goddess in Greek mythology who was kidnapped, and my first name had to be Darlene because the school mascot of my home town I grew up in, are the Trojans. Darlene means, ‘Little Darling’, a beloved term my mother use to call me all the time when I was young, possibly because I am her first born. That’s my story, I hope you enjoyed it. : )
I actually have two “feminine” names.
My parents named me “Christopher.” While I’ve never been comfortable with the masculine version of the name, I’ve always considered it a point of pride and a bit of a gift from my parents to have that name. Fortunately, it shortens nicely to “Christy,” so I’ve opted for using that in my day-to-day. It’s comfortably girly and still honors my parents.
When I was in high school, I somehow got the nick-name “Homer,” which I adopted and started using online as “HomerNet.” When I started coming out in the online community forums for a webcomic dealing with transgender themes called El Goonish Shive, people started calling me HelenNet, or just shortening it back down to Helen. In 2006, this community had our first real-world meet up at San Diego ComicCon, and we created a “club” of knights. I was knighted Dame Helen the Leather-clad. (the “Leather-clad” part is a very, very long story) My knighthood comes through the first knight of the Order of the Bunny, who was knighted by the webcomic’s creator himself. :p
So my name is Christy “Dame Helen the Leather-clad” McFarland, and I’m darn proud of it!
I chose my fem name to honor my aunt Katherine, on my mothers’ side of the family. She was a classy lady, he wife of a U.S.
Army General of the WWII, Korea and Vietnam conflicts. She was never seen without her pearls, a lovely dress and perfectly quaffed. A classic “Lady” of the 50′ and 60’s.
When I fist started cross-dressing, I used Wendy. My ex-gf claimed it didn’t suit me becasue “Wendy” was a happy name and I was so sad. Then when I started to transition, I realized that, since I had bbeen named after my grandfather, I wanted to somehow keep his name in my femme name. I laready ahd a relative named Mary Wade, so I settled on Sarah-Wade., a combination of Pop’s name and “Sarah, Plain and Tall”. Well, I am tall and I’m as surprised as anybody that the “plain” doesn’t seem to apply.
hi lucille i had choosen the name ladolfia because it was very close to my male name which is adolph and the reason why this particular because this name is a very special name for me there are not very many female with the name ladolfia which makes me feel like a very special sexy woman inside
I chose my name because I asked my mother what she would have called me if I were born a girl. She told me that it was a toss up between Kathy (with k or c) or carol Ann. So i like Katherene cause of the queen and mis hepbern and i also liked Annette because of annette funachelo. so i combined all of the above into what is Katherene Annette Butts. I also kept my maiden name lol
When i decided to come out i was puzzled for my name. So i meet this couple which i have been with over 2 years. They where the ones that came up with my name. Before we even meet we where exchanging emails and they had me send them my picture when i was all dressed up. About a week later they got in contact with me and said they figured out a name for me. Thats when they decided Staci Renee it was the intials of my birth name. When i did move in with them they introduce me as Staci. I love it. So last year i went in and had my name legally changed. My family all agree that it was a perfect name for me.