Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
charles is my given name and also i went with a young lady named charlene in high school, my first love, so i took it for my first name, and my sister gave me the name clair for my middle name
charles is my given name and also i went with a young lady named charlene in high school, my first love. so i took the name for my first name and my sister gave me the name clair so i’m using it for my middle name.
My name started out as Columbia, as in the river between Oregon and Washington. At the time I was concerned, that if outed, I could cause someone with a name the same as I chose, harm or disrespect. So I chose Columbia….quite a mouthful and not easily shortened into a nickname. Then the Columbia space shuttle disaster happened and it became even more awkward. So I abandoned it and devised a new one. One that would get me to the front of an alphabetically organized list; that is clearly unique (or at least uncommon); femme sounding, pretty.
Antares is the red dwarf star in the heart of Scorpio. Scorpio: Eyes that see, Heart that feels…Just another expression of a broken hearted woman, one that can let her heart see what her eyes cannot.
I just changed the spelling a little to Antarie. It fits and shortens easily to Tarie..Starr was a natural progression. Hugs to you and all the girls.
Actually my Mistress Wife named me. W/we went to a local lifestyles meeting and i dressed for the first time going out. my Mistress named me Jamie. Its close to my boy name of James and i guess unisex.
My birth name was Paul Allan and I wanted to have a femme name that played off that. When I first came out, I struggled to pick a femme name so I would ask people what I looked like. Back in the 1990’s a salesgirl at a dress shop told me I need a “regal” name because I was so tall, so she picked “Alexandra” for me. That name stuck for many years. Recently my hair stylist told me that she thought I looked more like an “Alana” — I have always loved that name and it just resonated with me. So I have been going by Alana for about a year. I suppose both names are very similar, I dont even mind when people call me Alexandra Alana. Alana is an Irish name and I am 1/4 Irish and it means “Fair” – one of my favorite words of all time. So many great meanings to that: Fair weather, play fair, fair of face, fair haired child. So I live my life with the philosophy of being nice and playing fair and when people say my name they are resonating with that energy and I like that.
I have been a resident of Second Life for just over hour years. Second Life is my opportunity to see what my first life could actually be like. I chose Deanna as my first name. My last name in Second Life is Streeter.
Deanna is derived from Deanna Marie, my chosen female name from my mother. I had just watched an episode of SWAT. The late Robert Urich play the role of Jim Street. Streeter sounds better than Street.
Hi Lucille!
I have always thought Tiffany was a great name. One of my friends even started calling me Tiffany when I was around her.
well the trouth is my famly when i was a small boy called ne Joey. I luved the name so i changed the spelling to joie. I think it saids it all.