Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
My Girlfriend Jane Saw me in an old picture of my old band. Big hair & make-up. Some time later she shows up at my place with a wig , jewrely , bra, panties, stockings , skirt , top & said , I’m going to dress you up And your name will be Doris !!!! And to this day I’m still Doris & loving it!!!
I chose the name Lynn after my father Len and I found out that my cousin was using Linda the name that I first used on many websites so now I have to tell my friends that I am Lynn and not Linda my cousin who pointed out the fact that she had it first and that touched off some family rivalry and she let me know she was there first so this name is close to me and I can use it without fear of being outed or anything it is a nice name and has a nice meaning so I thought it out after a while that it would be nice to remember my father and respect him too.
Like many Transwomen, I wanted to at least my intials: J.K. so I chose the Jennifer Karen. When I came out to my mom (she has been very accepting) and got around to telling her what I wanted to be called she said she didn’t like it, “it doesn’t flow.”
So I asked what would flow. She, my older sister and I worked on it a couple of days, and settled on Jennifer Marie, Jemma for short. Well, I went on like that for a month. I really thought about it, practiced the signature etc. But I had to tell her the truth, I didn’t feel like a Jemma, and I wasn’t very satisfied with Jennifer. I called mom and told her we had to come up with something better.
Two days later she called back. Mom offeres up Jane Carol and sister had Laura Karyn. I hung up and began writting both names; practicing in cursive. I wasn’t really comfortable with either name. When writting, I had to concentrate a bit with both names. So, I began to experiment: what if I combined the names?
I went through Jane Karyn then Laura Carol, nope. Then I went to Jane Laura, oh wait, what about Laura Jane? I’ll tel you Lucille, as soon as I wrote it for the first time, I knew THAT was it! I flowed! I didn’t have to think and it looked good!I called mom. Upon hearing the name Laura Jane, she was thrilled and sister liked it too. Since then, that is what they have been calling me.
Laura Jane
Lauren truly is my middle name. My mother obviously wanted another daughter. Thats why she so readily allowed my older sister to dress me and treat me like her little sister, even encouraged it. We three “girls” enjoyed numerous weekends & holidays together as the “men” of the house went on fishing & camping outings. Its on these occasions that I learned to cook so well.
I opted for Caroline for two main reasons: it starts with the same alphabet letter as my real name, and there was a beautiful lady who I admired from a distance. Her style, dress sense and posture had the exact image I wanted to project as a female. I also did not want a sort of unisex name, but one that instantly took one for a woman. Thanks for the opportunity, Lucille, and for your kindness to people like me who are often caught in a cruel social stranglehold.
even though heather was my alt birth name I still had a long hard think about what to call myself before I decided that really I waas and allways had been Heather the rest of my name comes from my fav grand mothers maiden name once i had my first and last name i just thought it would be nice to have a middle name and picked from two that sounded nice with my name cant recall what the other was now but Louise won and so Heather Louise Clark was born so to speek lol
We, my partner and I, picked my name. My partner is very supportive and we had a long conversation about different names and what they mean to each of us. Finally she said “I like Amber” and I asked why. Amber is stone that can have many different colors and, if you are luck, a secret maybe to a different world than we know. It was perfect for the secret that I had tried to hide from this world for so long and it continues to give me hope that everyone will be able to be themselves without judgement.
I got my femnine name when I was in my teens and my childhood friend and I were having fun in her house. She let me weaar her dress and she started to do my makeup. After she’s done with my makeup she said I am beautiful in her dress and she said that I look like Cynthia, the local beauty queen of our small town and she then gave me the name Cynthia which I like and happy to be called. From then on all our closest friends in high school call me Cynthia. My childhood friend were happy and very generous lending me her dresses everytime we’re having fun with our other friends who were also very supportve of my desire to be a girl like them. That was the tme when all I have are boys clothes and I can not afford yet to buy my own girl’s clothes. My sister learned about it from my friend and she became very supportive of me, giving me some of her dress and started calling me Cynthia.