Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
I decided on Kelly because of a character in a television show who’s style I would have emulated if I had been born female
The young lady portrayed was always very feminine and most always in a skirt.
I choose the name Greene because my bunny costume is kelly green, I think this name works for me.
Kelly Greene
When i was in the Air Force i met a young beautiful ACW we started dating after going to a fellow members wedding we were together for eight years eight great years in my lifes book a wonderful chapter one day i went into the wardrobe draw and fetched one of her sexy bras put it on walked out into the lounge she was surprised but excited what followed was wonderful the next day she came home with a gift 3 satin pairs different coloured bikini knickers i put a pair on with another of her sexy bras once again what happened was great and as time went on together we dressed and she assisted with make up and even allowed me to share her clothes knickers slips and dresses it went on that all we bought was lace /satin womens knickers and we both shared to this day i still have a couple pair of her knickers that i keep as memories of that very special woman this started me on my journey to be the woman i knew i was born to be her name was Alice how i came about my name Allacia was a mix of the major letters of her name without using her name complete she was a special part of my life i am happy to be Allacia.
I choose Denise after some consideration, it was a toss up with Diedre but I noticed people had a hard time pronouncing it Going through the list of baby names and just sounding it for awhile I don’t know anyone named Denise so that is not the factor. It sounds good I think with my last name. Hugs Denise
As it is my birthday today it has made me reflect on how I always wished that I had been born a girl. But I do my best to enjoy my femme life as I am today and have always been grateful to my parents who unwittingly christened me Robin, a name I have grown to love over the years, and so easy to feminise by simply changing one letter. So I have always been Robin and ‘Robyn’ I remain.
Hi everyone,well I have have my mother to blame for my name.
William (after grandfather) Robert (after american friend I maybe my father) Michael (a cousin) I was born in 1946 and brought up by my grand-parents, when I got to see my mother she called me Bobbie,a hint for a male or female.She had wanted to have more kids and would have like to have a girl but it wasnt possible.I had thought about names as I grew up and tried out a few but wasnt bothered, until the last few years.A female friend picked Jessica Ann I liked it but I felt it wasnt me.I felt to old for Jessica so changed to Robyn Louise,and now at 65 with small boobs I start my journey to become the woman I have always wanted to be.
Stay safe and adore who you are Love Robyn
I chose Tegan. I looked at names than were similar to my given one and either didn’t like that they could either be easily converted back to the masculine or androgynous version of my given name with a nickname or didn’t like the meaning of the name. Tegan had some things going for it. It’s the name of an old television character that I like and the name of a singer that I like. The name isn’t easily converted into a masculine or androgynous name. In Welsh, it means beautiful, which I strive to feel. I thought that I might use a feminine version of my given first name as my last name, and Tegan has some sounds and syllables from my given last name, so I’d be kind of swapping them. It’s kind of stuck when other names that I’ve looked at haven’t. I’m really liking it now.
hi everybody the familie of my female partner would not accept me and after a year or so some of them would and they called my Fransien , bud that is a ols dutch farmer name and i ‘m a tippicall city girl , so my real nam is as a man was Fransiscus , i changen is in francesca / Fransisca over here
ind it is my name for 3 years now and i love it oke sorry for the bad english take care and bless you all hugs and kissen
Mine is quite simple my first name, Gabrielle, is from my favourite singer and my surname comes from the musical ‘chicago’ ‘Roxy’ Hart