Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
My feminine first name, “Regina”, is the Latin word for “queen” and the name of the capital city of the Canadian prarie province of Saskatchewan. My feminine last name “Vowna”, is the Belarus word for “wool”. Taken as a whole, the name “Regina Vowna” is an anagram for “vagina owner”, the ultimate indication of being female. Please accept my apology if you’re offended.
I suppose my name was partly chosen for me. I went with Mummy and my cousins to the Ballet of that name, and boys in my class found out about this, through the sister of one of them. They already knew that I went to classes.
I was so upset at the time that I stopped going to classes: I am now glad that I did, since had I trained once testestrone “kicked in” I would have ended up with male, broad shoulders.
Anyway, I now think it is a very pretty name!
Many years ago I fell in love with the name Barbara. I felt that since my mail name started with a B and I loved the name that it was a fit at my age. I am also felt that it was a more conservative name. When I am in Femme’ which is 90% of the time now I feel very much like Barbara. Thanks for all your emails they are wonderful and always very informitive and encouraging.
As a male, my name was Michael. I simply changed it to Mikela (little Michael) as I liked that name and once knew a beautiful looking woman called Mikela so it just seemed right for me.
Hi Lucy
I used to go out with a girl years ago ! she was so beautiful !!! and her name Twyla . i just fell in love with her name and that name had stayed with me over the years. and also Twyla was the name of dance choreographer Twyla Tharp who i just loved so much !she was very good and taught so many girls to dance for movies and television shows.i think it is a beautiful name and one not often heard ! as for my middle name Loretta . well it is after none other than Loretta Young ,film actress so beautiful !!! i guess i’m showing my age (giggles).thanks Lucy for being there for us gurls !!
Big hug
Wow!!! This is an easy one.Johanna is a combination of my first name and also letters from my middle name.I have loved this name for many years(even before i started on my journey) and the decision was just natural.The name has Greek/Latin heritage from the Middle Ages and has German background as well,(meaning God is gracious).The name is quite common through Europe,and to a much lesser extent here in the states.I come from a German background,so it seemed so perfect.
Years ago I asked my Dad and Mother what my name would have been had they discovered that I was a girl. They said my name would have been Katie. That sounded good since I couldn’t think of anything that sounded good that goes with Kenneth. So I took that name and added my middle name thus Katielen.
Do you want my Male name or femme name and do you want my mailing address or email address.
Years ago I asked my Dad and Mother what my name would have been had they discovered that I was a girl. They said my name would be Katie. So I took that name and added my middle name to it and came up with Katielen.