Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
noel to noeleena look it up on the net,
birth names noel or no-el edward manfried Von Reutchthos & is Prussian. Loch-head.
I did not wont to change my names so i thought noeleen would be okay . was for about a year till i went to Phuket june / july 07.
While i was there one of the R N’s, nurse’s said no no no it has to be noeleena. sounds good so yes it sounded better,
so insteed of the end of noeleen being a hard n . tha a is as aaa as in are. & every one has said my name is right for me & who i am as a womam.
so its noeleena, edwina, Loch-head, for the other two names i do not have a female way of saying them till then they remain the same.
mind you i had so much help from people my names were no different people were so helpfull in so many ways it was just another example of how people went out of thier way for me,
I also know its to late for the contest, but wanted to share. I love the necklace and also would like to buy one if you could share. I came by my name by changing a few letters, changing jeff to jess and formally becoming jessica, for a middle name, I wanted something that “flowed” and used an old girlfriends name, and became jessica lynn. Thank you for your expertise, I just found this site today and enjoyed it.
sorry aboutthe spelling , my fingers stuter
i was given the name aime at birth, my mon kknew i was going to be agirl , did everything i knew to that and grew up as a girl, and still live 24/7 as a woman now , would not know how to be a boy or man at this time, nor do i own and male clothes its great to bea oman, and loving every minet of it
My name was a long process in coming, when I was 11 i tried on my sisters clothers and behold i just knew I was a girl at heart. I chose her name, Dabbie at first, then I became, Victoria, after my friend , that was great until I was in my 20.s and personning as a girl most of the time I was a musician and performed as a woman, and chose the name Kitty(My Mom was aperformer that was her stage name) I entertered my 40’s and soon kitty was too imature so I opted to change it to Lauren, whci my Mom called me one day,at home when she saw me dressed.It evolded to Lauren Georg-anne, then a friend called me Laurel, by mistake and I liked it better, so it became, Laurel-Anne.
I rambled on so much, I forgot to tell you how I chose my name. “Chrissy”,played by Susanne Sommers on Three’s Company, was my inspiration. The clothes she wore, her Dainty-Feminine mannerisms and yes, even the “Ditzy-Blonde” act, made me SO want to BE Her! I chose “Christina” as my Whole name, with Chrissi-(with an “I”) as a nick-name, because it SOUNDS as ‘Girly’ as I Feel! and here, lately, as I AM! I would LOVE to have my name on a dainty necklace. I have key-rings and all kinds of other things that say Chrissi, or Christina on them. I almost bought one made of Sterling Silver but it was WAY too expensive for my purse to handle.
I have been a “Girl as far back as I can remember. I am 60 years old and TRIED my very best, to live the MACHO lifestyle that Society expected me to live. No one ever knew that, under my Macho work-Uniform I was always wearing the laciest panties and bras,I could find. I found it difficult to purchase clothes for mself because I didn’t want people to know that they were REALLY for me. I moved to another state and began living as a woman. My whole lie, I was afraid what paople would say…or how they would react when they “found out” my little secret. At first I thought I was just a Transvestite ( Rocky-Horror Picture Show) because I loved the feeling of silk nd satin on my body. Then, when I was 8 years old, and until I was 14, I had been SOLD into sexual slavery, by my NATURAL PARENTS! If wanted to eat ( The next day) I had to be a GOOD-GIRL and perform , whatever sex act I was asked. Th Only time I found real LOVE was when I was Daddy’s Little Girl, or Mommy’s Princess. It wasn’t until I was in my late Teens, I discovered that I WAS, ALL GIRLY-GIRL!. As I said, I hid it from everyone as long as I could and now, I live as Chrissi, 24/7/365. I do not Own any clothing that even resembles Male attire!I wish I could afford to buy the whole program from you but, I have been Un-employed for the last 4 years, due to the fact I have a deep “Radio” voice ( Which, by the way is how I made my living, Working Radio and Television, with particular attention to mt Voice-work. I lived on $60 a week. Now, I colect Social Security abd, even with the “extra” income, I can barely afford Housing and food. Sorry for rambling on, But I would do anything to be able to BE more Girly and have the walk, Talk, and attire down so good that no one would question my Gender. I am, now and always wil be a Woman. Thanks to people like you, (whom I stumbled on… accidentally), and will never want to lose contact with You!! Thanks, again, Lucille. You Give Me HOPE!!
Your Sister, Chrissi
Hi! Do you know where I can buy one of those necklaces? I’d really like to have it.