Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
My name change was a huge deal for me because i have wanted to change it since i was 10 years old. It was a source of teasing and of course didnt fit me. I chose to keep my last name of course but changed my first and middle names….my first name was already Terry so the change was minor i wanted a feminine form that people would see as proper for my gender and alot of times they spelled it that way anyway, plus the impact at work would be minimal and it fits me by definition. my middle name was the big one i chose Raine because it fits me …meaning queen and i am the queen of my world. but more importantly my grandmother was the only person in my entire family who would support and accept me as i am transitioning, the only person who was always there all my life. Everyone else was very hateful toward me when i came out as transsexual, but she just treated me as the woman i am. All throughout my growing up she was a huge rolemodel for me, even i ways she couldnt imagine. so to thank and honor her i chose Raine which was the nickname she had as a little girl that everyone stopped calling her when she married my grandfather. it was short version of her first name. when i told her what i changed it to and why she cried with joy and said it was her best day ever! We have so few people who accept us in this life we should always be thankful for who we love and love us. Thats my story of my name.
Terri Raine
This May, I came out to my mom that I am transgendered in a letter. She lives in another state and doesn’t go online (yet). She called me to let me know that she was supportive of me and not totally surprised. It turns out that she and my sister felt that I was gay. And my dad had his suspicions. My mom wanted to name me Eric, but it ended up being my middle name. I’ve always thought of calling myself ‘Erica’. But my mom liked the name Eric due to it symbolizing ‘strength’, so I didn’t want to ‘femme’ it, out of respect to her. Well, she informed me that she’d be cool with me calling myself Erica! :-). Last month, during my yearly visit back home, we talked, had a few drinks and I’ve never been so happy. I sent my mom the photo I’m using in my profile shot. She informed me that she put it in a frame and has it on her table. 🙂
P.S. To celebrate my new freedom, I got my ears pierced. I can’t wait until the next four weeks are up so that I can get some cute, girly earrings.
My name was given to me by my sister when I was aged 4 or 5. There was a seasonal circus show which used to be shown on TV in the UK during the 1960s.
I loved the Chimp act and would leap about making chimp noises and hoping up on the chair imitating their act. My mother got extremely cross with me and told me to behave, that just made me do it more. It was at this point on TV that a female chimp dressed in a gingham pinifore dress was on screen at the same time my mother blew her top and grabbed me and shouted that if I wanted to behave like a chimp I would dress like one.
She dragged me to my sisters bedroom and dressed me in a similar style school dress and then draged me back to the living room much to everyones amusement and my humiliation. She made me croach on the chair for the rest of the show and it was during this period I was christened after the monkey and was called Stephany.
Funnily every time the circus show came on TV I would behave the same as I wanted to be dressed as a girl and I suppose thats when it all began. Later in life I came out to my sister and she said to me I’ll bet your name is Stephany! It was also her mispelling of Stephanie on a chair sign which gave me my proper name.
As an aside my mother would often be extremely violent to us and in particular myself and she used this dressing technique as a form of humiliation until my early teens, I think she realised that it was no longer a punishment to me and I relished every moment!
I toyed around with a few names when I started years ago. Tammy was my first name as it was a feminine version of my male name. I tried a few others before finally settling on the one I use today. I am a huge Beatles fan so (Sweet) Loretta Martin was an obvious choice. Now, I have so many female (GG) friends that dont know I am trans who call me Loretta, I am sticking with it. I was asked by a close friend what my middle name is and I said Lynn because my mother loved Loretta Lynn. It sold and I am keeping that one too.
Dear Lucille,
Most Tgirls I have met use a female name similar to their own male name or least using the first letter of their birth name. Like Karl to Karla or Carl to Carla or Carol, James to Jamie or Janey, Stephen or Steven to Stephanie or Steffanie and using Steph or Stef for short, Leonard to Linda or Jack to Jaquelin and Jackie for short. These are names of Tgirls that I have actually known.
I have been a Tgirl most of my life starting being transformed to being a girl when I was very young at the age of 6 by my babysitter who’s own daughter that was close to my age was a tomboy and wanted to be more like her father. The babysitter wanted a feminine little girl for a daughter and started feminizing me, dressing me as a little girl to take around town and introduced me as her daughter. I came from divorced parents and I let all defenses down and allowed the babysitter to do with me as she pleased because I was requiring the attention she was giving me. She paid lots of attention to me and doted over me making me feminine while her own daughter was out catching grasshoppers and frogs. She even had me wearing her daughter’s panties under the dresses and sitting on the toilet to tinkle. She selected the name of ‘Joanie’ for me because it was close to my male name that also started with a J. My mother never knew of our activities at the babysitter’s house because it was our ‘secret’ that we could tell no one about. Only her, her daughter and myself had knowledge of my feminization.
Even after my mother and I moved away this still affected me and I had thoughts and desires of femininity and being a girl and much of the time thought of myself as ‘Joanie’. I stared living as a girl after I was older and got my own apartment when I was 18 but still had to work as a male. I was totally a female around my apartment and it looked like a girl’s apartment. I put on my makeup and dressed as a girl just as soon as I got home from work.
I continued to use ‘Joanie’ for a while but wanted to try different female names so I started using different ones for short periods of time but they still started with a J and were similar in ways to my own name. I started with ‘Jan’ for a while and used variations of that like ‘Janet’ for a while and then ‘Janice’ for a few years after that. Those were the names I used when I introduce myself to people at a gay TG friendly bar or club or used with the men I dated. I used to date men as a woman. I was still ‘Joanie’ when I lost and gave up my female (anal) virginity to a man that became my boyfriend and I his girlfriend. I had a fake female picture ID that looked just like a California drivers license with a facial picture of me as a young woman and my sex listed as a female and it had the name of ‘Joanie’ on the first one and ‘Janice’ on the second one. I became ‘Joanne’ for a few years and then finally became ‘Joyce’. I liked ‘Joanne’ but being ‘Joyce’ appealed to me more. Being that I was over 21 at that time I still needed a fake ID to use as a female and had one with ‘Joanne’ on it and later got another with ‘Joyce’ on it. I have been ‘Julie’ for many years now and do have an ID card that says ‘Julie’ on it and has my sex listed as a female. Before ‘Julie’ I used ‘Joyce’ the longest. I hadn’t thought of ‘Julie’ and it happened kind of like an accident. I was on a date with a dreamy guy and after we left the club we went to a motel to have sex. After he made love to me like I was a woman and I was lying beside him on my side with his arm around me and my head on his chest he accidentally called me ‘Julie’. The name instantly rang a bell, excited me and I loved it. I thought that it was the prettiest and most feminine name for me. Of course he did catch me at a vulnerable moment because he had just made me feel like a woman sexually and I was very much in a feminine mode. I decided I needed a feminine middle name also and chose one close to my birth middle name and it also had the first letter ‘L’ of my birth name. So now I am ‘Julie Lisa’.
Lucille, it can be a lot of work being a woman but it is also can be very fun being a girl and female and I would not have it any other way. I am in my senior years now but when I was younger I was very passable and passed as a sexually attractive woman many, many times. Straight hetero men used to try to pick up on me for sex.
I am not as active sexually as I used to be but I still dress and live as a woman every day when I am not at work. I still date men on occasion and have sex as a woman with them. I love a man that knows how to make me feel like a woman in bed.
I still also enjoy viewing your website because you do have lots of good advice to offer and you yourself are very pretty and attractive. The advice you offer is pretty much the same things I learned during my life. I cannot wear 4″ heels anymore because of lower back problems but still wear 3″ or sometimes 2″ heels. I am 5’8″ tall though so I don’t like being taller than the man I am on a date with.
I still like getting dolled up in full makeup, earrings, wig, cocktail dress, back seamed stockings, heels, clutch purse in my hand containing the usual contents of a woman’s purse, and of course a couple of squirts of my favorite perfume (Giorgio) and a couple of squirts of female pheromones to make me smell like a woman. My male dates sometimes take me to a movie theater but mostly to a TG friendly club and afterwards to a motel to put the final touches of a man and woman on a date together and me being used as a woman.
I think of myself as a woman.
Julie Lisa
I took my name from Anne of green gables. She is a fire ball she is, but so speaks to me. If i could i would have red hair like hers too. I like the Ann with an “e” and when her teacher ridiculed her for it, it stuck with me.
Early in my femme days I chose the name Cristina. If I wanted to it could also be converted to Chris which I could use as a male (even thou that wasn’t my real name). Later on I changed the spelling to Krystyna which I thought was sexier.
More recently I met a femme by the name of Tomy (was Tommy as a male). With her I go by the name Bobi (I’m Bob as a male)
Hello everyone
Well it starts back when i was young.Somehow i got the nickname D after my born name..After some time i sorta liked it and added a few ee’s to it..Dee. Sounded kinda nice so i kept it for along time. After a few years i came across a person with the name Deenah, i was like Dee…Deenah omg yes i love it, so i held onto this name. I think it has a nice younger snappy ring to it along with a older im a beautiful women sound. And i have only come across 2 women with this name, so it feels more special.