Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
My femine name is Janet. I was given the birth name of James after my Grand father. To get the name Janet, which I have always liked, I simplly changed a couple of letters to the next letter in the english alphabet. ie: JAMES M to N and the S to T. Janet. My middle fem name is Lynn. Janet Lynn Bradke. This name was chosen from a former Playboy center fold years ago Janet Lynn Palmer.
My name was given to me by my friend she is a real girl and we used to go for walks in quiet areas on a night and she just turned and said if anyone asks I will give them your name as April and it stuck from then on her name was Kelly she died in 2005 she was only 33 now I am alone but I always think about her
when I was ready to come out I made a list of names that I Liked the most. Then I went there each one some of them so common that I even had one name used by two different relatives. I started to go with Amanda not to common didn’t know a lot of people with that name. Any ways I wanted to sleep on for a few days then I came up with Trisha not common at all at least for me. Then I started to toy around with it a little bit and trisha amanda almost rhymes (sp) so that is whom I prefer to be called.
OK. My boy name was Terence although IO usually used Terry as a day-to day name.. I had thought about shimply using theresa as my girl name, but Zi reakised that I would remain Terri, zan name too closely linked to my boy-self for me to ever be comforatable as a womzan named Terri. So I relegated Theresa to muddle name status.
I chose Deborah foir several reasons.
1. I like the name.
2. Deborah is a completly feminine nmae, it is not the feminine version of amy male name I am aware of, nor do I know any male name that uses the diminutive Debbie3
3. Debporaqh iws q strong name. In the bible Deborah was one of the onl;y women who was more then an adjusct to some man, and she actually had the authority to order men around.
4. I have known sdeveral Deborahs/ Debbies. and every one of them was a complete BABE!. I was hoping I coulde expropriate some of that babehood for myself.
So there T was. Deborah Theresa. (Hmmmmmmmmm, just a bit awkward. so I added the name Christine between the wwo an mame I had considered and rejuected for reason 2 (Christopher/Christine) I found the combination Deborah christine thderesa to be a very classy name, and i have every intenetion of making that my legal name when the time comes.
It was the Brady Bunch I am Jan. Its all about Marsha Marsha Marsha…….. No its all about Jan Jan Jan. No kidding its all about me…love Janice
As per my usual, I’m way way late finding this poll. Oh well, I have my two cents right here.
My name was chosen as my girl name just in case I might be born female. I guess I got the last laugh on my daddy , he, mom and that idiot doctor thought I was a silly boy. When I told my mom a year ago she never flinched. She loved that I somehow remembered what she had told me my girl name was to be. I had asked her when I was a teenager. Gee I wish I still where a teenager.
Love you all,
My birth name is David B. Smith*. My partner and I always found it difficult to shop because all my credit cards or debt cards had my masculine name imprinted on them. At the time I was using the fem name Claire. This was kind of a dead give away when trying to pass. It was my partner that suggested that I make my feminine name Deanna. That way I could have all of my ‘bankng’ card names be printed with D B Smith*. That way I could use them either as Deanna B. or David B. depending on how I was presenting. This has worked very well and on those days us girls’ looks could go either way, it keeps shop keepers guessing, honest and treating me with respect. I highly recommend this!
* Last name has been changed to protect innocent folks. 😉
My parents almost named me George when I was born, but named me after my uncle. Georgie is from that… besides, it’s so cute and sexy! Like the song says, “hey there Georgie girl… dreaming of the someone you could be.” Moore is from my middle name. And I am so much more than meets the eye! A Gemini, a twin, a boy and a girl, short shorts and skirts, flats and heels, baby blue and pretty in pink. The world is my stage, living the dream! luv U… georgie girl