Your mannerisms and body language are a big part of your female image. In fact, they count for over 50% of the impression you make on people!
If you’re a crossdresser or transgender woman, you might be looking for ways to improve your MTF feminine mannerisms.
The good news is that improving your body language can be achieved by mastering a few simple dos and don’ts.
In this blog post, I share 5 dos and don’ts for developing attractive, feminine mannerisms and body language. Read on to learn more!
1. DO Work The S-curve
Curves are a classic feminine feature. Beyond a bubbly booty and ample bosom, you can use your posture to enhance the curves of your body. Create an S-curve by putting your weight on one leg and pushing your hip out.
Contrast this to a more masculine posture where the weight is evenly distributed between both legs. This creates a more square and angular silhouette.
Here are some tips for working the S-curve:
- DO keep your weight on one side of your body instead of centered.
- DON’T exaggerate this posture. It should look natural.
- DO work the s-curve when you’re seated by crossing your legs or sitting with your weight on one hip.
2. DON’T Take Up Too Much Space
A wide, open body position is considered a “power pose.” That’s why you often see men spread their legs and lean forward at the shoulders. They’re essentially puffing themselves up to look larger than they are.
On the other hand, a more closed position will make you look more feminine and elegant. It also makes you appear physically smaller.
You already know that a lady keeps her knees together. But beyond that, you should keep your elbows in and avoid taking up too much space with your limbs. (By keeping your feet tucked close to your chair, for example.)
Here are some additional tips:
- DON’T slouch in an attempt to appear shorter or smaller.
- DO stand and sit with lifted posture. Think “tall” instead of “wide” with your body posture.
3. DO Mind Your Gestures
Gestures are an important part of body language. Women tend to be more expressive with their gestures than men. Next time you’re out, notice the way women use their hands and bodies to express ideas when they talk.
To master fluid, feminine gestures:
- DON’T make jerky or clumsy movements. Keep your elbows tucked in and don’t move too quickly. Practice making slow, smooth movements in front of a mirror.
- DON’T overdo your gestures. Observe women to get an idea of the correct balance.
- DON’T fidget. Avoid nervous movements like twirling your hair, shaking your leg, or tapping your fingers.
4. DON’T Forget Your Facial Expressions
The expressions you make say as much as the words that come out of your mouth. If you’re feeling nervous, it’s easy for this to be reflected on your face. On the other hand, a pleasant facial expression puts people at ease and helps you get the respect and acceptance you deserve.
Tips to keep in mind:
- DON’T wear a stoic expression. What feels “neutral” to you may come across as grumpy to others. (AKA “resting bitch face.”)
- DO put on a pleasant face. Keep the corners of your mouth turned up slightly. This also serves as a natural facelift!
5. DO Make Alluring Eye Contact
Eye contact is a major way to gauge a person’s personality. People who don’t make eye contact appear insecure or as if they’re hiding something. People who look you in the eye appear confident and sincere.
Here’s how to use eye contact to make a feminine impression:
- DON’T avoid people’s eyes. Be proud of who you are and look people in the eye.
- DO make eye contact and hold it for a second or two. (But not too long unless you want people to think you are trying to seduce or intimidate them!)
Introducing The Art of Feminine Body Language
Is your body language telling the world that you’re a fabulous female?
If not, The Art of Feminine Body Language can help! This quick course is designed to help you move, stand, and express yourself with feminine grace.
Inside this 4-part bundle, you’ll discover the secrets of posture, gestures, movements, and facial expressions – so you can look and feel more feminine, whether you’re out in public or just practicing at home.
Learn more and get your copy now!
Hi Lucille,
My name is Meryl and I have been perfecting my image for many years now. I am happy with what I have been able to achieve and I feel fairly comfortable when I go out. I am very interested in your programs and will be looking for those tips and tricks along the way to help me achieve all of my goals.
This is my first comment, so I really have no idea how it will turn out. I look forward to reading your blog posts and all the comments others make. Also, I hope I will be able to share something worthwhile along the way.
Hello Meryl,
Thanks for the questions….by the way, you look gotgeous!!
My flight is just over one hour to my destination. I usually go two or three times a year.
I have been doing these trips for many years now, but only very seriously for the past five years. What I mean by that is I am dressed and presenting as a woman for a full week all day and cheating.
By the end of the second day, I almost believe myself to be a genetic woman.
The total freedom and state of mind is unbelievable!
Closer to home I spend a full afternoon, maybe the day.
The cover stories vary, it could be anything.
Plan a trip around one of the many transgendered events in many cities now, they are usually 2-5 days long.
All the best,
I hope I am able to tell you just how much your web site has helped me and how much happier I am now!! Your site has touched me and helped me in so many ways I want to thank you!! I fell so much better about myself and even better the way I feel about myself in public now. You are fleshes a Godsend!! I just need to keep working on myself and making myself the women I know I am Thank you so very much
Hello Everyone,
I started taking trips to another city five years ago. I usually stay for one week and spend the entire time there enfemme round the clock. These trips have allowed me to spend enough time to really enjoy and experience womanhood.
The first thing I do as soon as I get there is get dressed, attach my full lace wig and do my makeup. The wig stays attached for the entire five days. (in a ponytail at bedtime).
I then go and get acrylic nails done..the real ones. What a pleasure it is to not have to fuss with nails for one week.
What happens next has taken some practice I admit, but has been well worth it. My inner woman emerges and takes over.
I also take pride in the pretty convincing female voice I have deveoped, other t-girls often ask me about it.
Confidence and believing in yourself is VERY important!!
Practice over and over….walking, sitting, speaking, table manners, keep your head up, shoulders back..and relax.
– Do not look around suspiciously.
– Do not fall into the hurried woman syndrome..slow down.
– Make natural eye contact with people (as you usually do).
– Act as though everything is natural and carry on.
– Smile!
All of this will help you to blend in with everyone else.
I have done just about everything in public now that most women do, it has been a wonderful, rewarding life experience.
Stay beautiful,
Thanks a lot,your experience and coments are great and an example to do. You had got expressive woman figure,it is for loving. beautiful photo,beautiful you.
Thanks Wanita for your replies and advice.
Hello Andrea,
For point 1, It would be like when you hear women speaking softly to someone. Find a comfortable smooth spot in your voice range and then build on that.
For point 2, it would be the same but increase the volume over time with an easy going song.
Never try to force your voice or hold an overly extended range, it will sound fake and you might get mild laryngitis.
There should be almost no effort, just find your own comfortable voice range and practice.
The way you move your mouth,tongue, and head really helps.
Watch the way women speak on television (the way they move their mouths)and copy them.
You can also record your voice and playback, try it, you will be amazed.
Practice daily, drink water, and more practice.
Good luck,
Hi Wanita,
Thanks so much for replying! I tend to put quite a few replies up, and am not that successful with responses even to recent posts, so thanks.
In point 1, when u say ‘in a femme voice’ do u mean with more tone variation and at a higher (but obviously not falsetto) pitch?
How would u describe point 2? I have tried this, but it either comes out screechy (as a hit my high-pitch limit) or inadvertently slip into falsetto.
Hi Andrea,
Well, if I had a technique, I guess I would have to say the following :
1. Whispering and speaking softly in a femme voice.
2. Singing in a femme voice.
3. Watching body language and facial expressions of women speaking on television and repeating what they say, and the way they said it.
4. Online voice training tips.
5. will find your femme voice.
It did not take long at all, maybe one month.
Thank-you for the lovely compliment.
Hi Wanita,
I doubt you’ll see this, or reply, as I’m 2 years late! If only I’d found this site before this year…
It’s great u have developed a good femme voice. What technique(s) did u use, and how long did it take?
P.S. u look very femme-convincing
Hi Wanita,
OMG! That is exactly what I have been wanting to do for years now! How far “out of town” do you go? Do you have nosy friends and family? If so, what is your cover story? I hope you don’t mind all the questions?
BTW-Posture Helps too.
Eye contact is everything. I have found that this is the strongest tool I can use.
When I look directly at people, and smile, I always get a smile back.
Your smile is amazing!
You are beautiful. T.J.
I loved your body language article. People look so much better when they smile instead of frowning or looking stoic.
I went out ‘ en fem‘ this past month to pay my local bills. I used the drive through window, I still fill ill-at-ease about getting out and going in. From inside the car, I was limited to hand and eye gestures with a small amount of voice, I did remember to smile. The girls that took the payments referred to me as ‘Mrs. –’ when they returned my statement. I’ve picked up a lot of useful ideas sense finding your site, more than I have over the years.
Hugs JoAnna
Thanks for all of your help,I finally have a picture to post thanks to you.