It’s amazing how much our names shape our identities. Some names feel like a perfect fit from the start, while others never quite resonate with us.
However, crossdressers and transgender women have the unique opportunity to choose their own feminine names.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear YOURS.
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please tell us your story in the comments below, and if you can, share a photo too. It’s always lovely to put a face to a name!
Are you still searching for the perfect female name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
My boy name was Tracy but everyone always mistook me for a girl so Auntie started calling me Tracyanne and when put in dresses I was Tracyanne
I love Christine i saw on a poster and i love the names and i enjoy the names?
My birth name is Dennis, and it is not unusual to get called Denise at the doctor office, or by someone calling my phone (telemarketers, etc). When I adopted my girl name, Denise was a natural fit. Hey to everyone, I am enjoying exploring this space.
Chose my name because I wanted a feminine name that I didn’t know anyone personally by that name. I wanted it as my girl name because Marilyn Monroe was such a feminine person and so beautiful. A role model I can only dream of.
A beautiful woman named Kimberly worked in my mothers office,so did others.It was the pretty way she dressed, smelled,and she would give me little lean over shots.Lacy bra!!!Anyway I am very business woman today!!!
I wanted a femme name that started with the same letter as my masc name and decided on Rachel
When I was younger I came up with kinda a generic name that could go either way and was close to my actual one. It was Charlie I went years with that name and was ok with it. All my friends that knew me always called me Charlie.
When I was in my 40s and was dating an ebony woman. We had just gotten back from dinner and we’re relaxing on the couch enjoying some wine. I was in a burgundy body con dress. She said to me you don’t look like a Charlie. I just said ok feeling a little crushed . She asked if she could call me Charlene instead. I instantly fell in love with it and thought wow I wished thought of it years ago. She was amazing too bad our relationship only lasted about few years. Since that night I go by Charlene now.
Hugs to all my sisters