It’s amazing how much our names shape our identities. Some names feel like a perfect fit from the start, while others never quite resonate with us.
However, crossdressers and transgender women have the unique opportunity to choose their own feminine names.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear YOURS.
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please tell us your story in the comments below, and if you can, share a photo too. It’s always lovely to put a face to a name!
Ich habe meinen Namen lange gesucht und jetzt gefunden. Femke ich habe mit der rechten Hand meiner Chefin gefunden und da ich holländischer Abstammung bin, ist Antje sehr gut passend. Denn Frau Antje bringt Käseaus Holland. Es ist der Name einer Werbefigur aus meiner Kindheit
My real name is Eric.
I am really a Miss. I added an E.
You get Misse.
That simple.
When i was a Teenager there were two girls i always envied.Everyday they wore different blouses or tops or Dresses/Skirts.I fell in love with their style of clothing. So girly yet feminime.Ruffles,bows,different collars.As a boy then i was not allowed to wear this.I craved it for so long …and so i have Chosen that my feminime Name should be a combination of those two cuties Julia and Sophie.And they have a very feminime sounding,don’t they?
My colleague at work had 3 children with names starting with R and as my name started with R, I thought it would be easy to stay with R, so happens that one of her children was called Ronique and my ex wife had “que” in her name, so it was obvious… I am Ronique, not really called after someone else but it is me. Love when i can have stuff sent to Ronique, sign my name as Ronique, it feels so right.
Well, my name Tiffany is very close to the name I was given at birth, Timothy. Love reading all the other comments as well!
I’ve always just liked Elizabeth and have always thought or to be a pretty name. It was at the top of my list of names if I ever had a daughter. Since I never did that left it open for me when I chose a femme name.
Well the name amber means jewel in old english and i like it because it,s sort of sexy and as for jane in the uk means sort of the girl next door so there it is that,s so that,s why i like the name amber so much.
Living in New Jersey and listening to NYC radio several years ago a Broadway musical play about a trip from NYC to Scandinavia played an add on the radio had an audio clip of the stewardess singing at the start of the flight welcoming the passengers to their flight to Scandinavia and introducing herself as “Miss Reneta Holiday”. Being of Polish decent I liked the sound of Reneta. My middle name is Sheila. Sheila is an Australian word and she is an American pronoun for a girl and la is a French pronoun for a girl. Reneta Sheila K.