It’s amazing how much our names shape our identities. Some names feel like a perfect fit from the start, while others never quite resonate with us.
However, crossdressers and transgender women have the unique opportunity to choose their own feminine names.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear YOURS.
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please tell us your story in the comments below, and if you can, share a photo too. It’s always lovely to put a face to a name!
Are you still searching for the perfect female name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
I’ve always thought Allison was a very pretty name and loved it a lot. I also wanted to pay some respect to other trans pioneers from the past and had found April Ashley’s history interesting. That’s why I decided to have my name become Allison Ashley.
My mom told me from a very young age that she was going to name me Karen Michele if I was born female.
So that is my name. I didn’t really pick it, she did.
Many of your stories are sad, yet triumphant. I cannot respond to them all, but I wish everyone who posted the best life can offer!
For many years, I had no name. I didn’t need one because I never interacted with others. However, at some point in time I decided that if I ever did need a name, it would be “Linda” because I’ve always liked that name; I think it is pretty both visually and phonetically. It has served me well as I now interact with many people and have encountered only one other person with my name!
I tried using baby name books with not much success. I found another unique name, but miss placed it. While I liked Christina I did not like the spelling. I knew that many girls change the spelling to make their name unique by replacing letters that sound alike. I changed Christina to Krystyna.
I like the fact that I have to correct everyone’s spelling. They LOVE it that I spell it this way. It does make it easy to remember if not spell.
I’m still trying to figure out a female name for myself. In the past many years, I’ve gone through several. I was first Kiara Stinemetz. I chose Kiara after the Lion King: Simba’s Pride movie (Simba’s daughter Princess Kiara). I also chose her because of her voice played by Neve Campbell. She used to be a celebrity crush of mine (Neve), but I’ve gone through many female celebrity crushes. After Kiara I became Katie whom is a character I created in my novel series. That name for myself lasted very shortly. I tried other female character names from my story like Jennifer, Lisa, Lisandra, and they didn’t seem to fit me, although I am them when I write my story anyway. They (their names) are not me though. In some aspect they are me in many ways, but none of their are my female name. Now currently I have chosen Jessica because it is the female version of my male name Jesse. However it didn’t fit my last name, which for some reason is important to me as I believe a name, both first and last, should harmoniously work together to define who you are. That is when I changed my last name to fit my first name. That was a bit more difficult. However I came up with Jessica Stevenson. This has stuck with me on the digital world and on games I play for about a year or so now. I still would like to figure out my own female name based off of my last name, working harmoniously to define me, but until I figure that out, Jessica Stevenson is staying for a while. I chose Stevenson because it sounded good and started with “s”. In this case, my initials would still be J.S. However a bi-gendered nickname I am called and use is J. J is the first letter of both names, but J is who I am on the inside and what I am trying to project out to the world. Problem is though, my male and female sides keep battling each other to figure out if I’m male or female. J is the neutral party that breaks up the two sides of myself till they are ready for the next round to fight again.
I literally just looked at a long list of names and waited for one that spoke to me.
For a long time i pondered on a name that was how i felt when i was en femme,One night i was cable searching and found myself be mesmerized by an old movie.The woman was beautiful and i could not stop watching and thinking how i wish i would love to find out her name.At the end i found out she was VICTORIA and i was hooked. Don’t call me VICKIE.
I love telling this story. This is really who I am, some boys grow into their names, I always HATED my male name, not because I was named after my great-grandfather, but I should have been a girl, everything about my mannerisms says ” girl, and when I finally met my great-grandfather, just before he passed away, he called me his special GIRL.
When I first heard the name ” jayme “, I fell i love with it, and I tried to get people to call me ” Jayme “, but all that I heard from everyone was that Jayme is a girls name. DUH,!!!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!!, I am a girl. Finally, after years of everybody trying to turn me into a ” REAL MAN ” (Good luck with that ) I met my good friend JAMIE, ( A girl ). Jamie and I were talking late one night, and she told me that she hated the name ” Jim ” because it sounded stupid, I couldn’t have agreed with her more , ( I had a crush on her, and she knew it, cis-girls just know these things ). She said ” I’m changing your name right now!!!! and I’m thinking Jamee, no, that’s just a real stupid spelling, how about Jayme….Yeah…… I love it. So from now on your name is Jayme.
I kept on repeating my new name over…and ….over… to get used to it. Well, later that year, Jamie was killed in a drive-by shootout, and I ended up in a rehab hospital because my muscle condition had left me almost useless, plus I was coping with Jamie’s death. News of my name spread like wildfire, It was unusual that a man would have a femme name, but then I’m not usual.
I love my femme name, and I love being transgender. I cannot be the person I was, and I don’t want to be ” him “. My middle name was Alexander, but since I became transgendered, I changed it to Alex, So meet Jayme Lexi gulyas. I’ve always loved the pretty name of Lexi, it suits me perfectly because its so unusual, and I’m unusual.
I love being the sexy new Jayme Lexi Gulyas, and I love being a girl