It’s amazing how much our names shape our identities. Some names feel like a perfect fit from the start, while others never quite resonate with us.
However, crossdressers and transgender women have the unique opportunity to choose their own feminine names.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear YOURS.
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please tell us your story in the comments below, and if you can, share a photo too. It’s always lovely to put a face to a name!
Are you still searching for the perfect female name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
I picked my name in honor of a fabulous character in a book I read. Her name was Michelle Anne Nastasis. I chose Lee as my middle name after one of the classiest actresses in Hollywood…..Michele Lee. So my name, legally (as of 8/4/2006), is Michelle Lee Nastasis.
After many years thinking about it I came up with Amanda I have a friend who has a daughter named Amanda and I always loved the way she dressed and carried her self so I took that name also in a joking way if you look at that name it’s (A Man Da)
The most beautiful girl in high school was Cheryl Bruno. I was a football star as an Allstate offensive center and she was the top cheerleader. I never did forget her and never will; hence my femme name is Cheryl. Lucille thank you for all you do and all girls out there keep on Rocking in the Free World!
It was 9 years ago and I had never been out before. I was looking for a group on the internet and saw the Erie Sisters was having a Cabin Fever Weekend and thought to myself what the hell, why not ! So I got up the courage and called the phone number they had listed. The person interviewing me on the phone asked me what my name was ? I gave her my name and she replied that’s a funny name for a girl. She then chuckled and told me that I should pick a Femme name. Up until then I had never thought seriously about choosing a Femme name.
As fate would have it , McGuyver was on the TV in the back ground and just when she said I needed to pick a Femme name, Penny Parker came on the show ! I thought to myself “Wow that’s it” , the name seemed to be perfect for me ! I added my moms name for my middle name and told her that I picked a name, Penny Ann Parker ! She said that was quick and I told her what had just happened. She laughed and ever since then I have been Penny Ann Parker !
I love being Penny and think the name is a perfect fit for me !
Hugs Penny !
Beautiful look for you….great shape, great legs. Good hair, makeup…total package. You’re much younger than me….I am 73. 5 decades of Cding!
ENJOY being P.AP.
Well two reasons for my name, I spent some time in a furniture/antique refinishing shop. There I grew to love the Jenny Lind [Jenni Lyn] style of furniture.
The other is a transliteration and feminization of a short form of my middle name through the history of my family. France, England, Germany, Scotland are the countries my ancestors trapsed in and about til coming to the Americas. all rooted in the name ‘John’, the base for my other middle name.
My other name the one I grew up with was a nickname of Rocky. So I was thinking of Roxanne but decided on Sandra. My middle name is Eileen that I got from one of my most favorite gals Shania Twain, her real name is Eileen. Then the last name I took is from my being an xxy person. Hence XY–one and so Sandra E. Xyone And later I noticed that my first to names initials with my last name is S.E.Xyone.
I wasn’t sure what i wanted for a name only that it wasn’t the male name i hated for most of my life. i was creating an online profile for a site i was on and looking at my full name given by my parents added an “NE” to the end of my former middle name and have gone by Jayne ever since it never even dawned on me there was an easier way of arriving at the name of Jayne because all I cared was it no longer contained any part of my former first name which I hated. it wasn’t until someone pointed out that Jayne was only one letter different that i finally realized but no longer cared. My middle name came via someone asking me online what my full name was and i told them Jayne Amanda without thinking about it and in April 2008 Jayne Amanda became my legal name.
My name was selected in an unusual way. I had been dressing on and off for many years. I began at age 8. As I aged, I kept having dreams, wishes and thoughts (haven’t we all) about transitioning. The more research I did, the more I wanted to do it, but I was deep in the closet – afraid and concerned about how transitioning might affect my family and my job.
For a time, I would dress only when I traveled on business. Fast forward — I met a man in my travels. I liked him and he understood me. One thing led to another and we became “experimental” lovers.
Until that time, I had never thought seriously about a name. But the first time we made love, I exclaimed “I’m Nancy!” It felt so right and I’ve kept it since then.
Footnote: Interestingly, after meeting him, my desire to transition exploded. I started on hormones, but have been on and off for some time. I continue to struggle with my identity.