It’s amazing how much our names shape our identities. Some names feel like a perfect fit from the start, while others never quite resonate with us.
However, crossdressers and transgender women have the unique opportunity to choose their own feminine names.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear YOURS.
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please tell us your story in the comments below, and if you can, share a photo too. It’s always lovely to put a face to a name!
Are you still searching for the perfect female name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
So the way i choice my new name was is a long and painful story! You see When i was but just a kid, I always wanted to wear dresses and skirts and play with dolls. (Of course i still like doing the boyish thing too! this is why i am just a cross dresser!)
Well my dad being close minded and hateful thought he would beat the girl out of my, and to put the cherry on the top he thought by calling me by a girl’s name would make me stop being so girly! the my dad called me while he beat me was Danielle.
I well accepted it as my femme name! After all my dad named me! then as i got older and the desire to dress up got stronger. I wanted start writing transgender friendly books, but didn’t want my family to know it was me that wrote them! So I look at want my daddy did with my first name and did that same thing to my middle name Daniel to Danielle; Joseph to Josephina. but my last name just would not work, but I love my last name because it was the name of a college. So I just pick another college that i liked. Standford just stock out to me cause if you say it fast enough it sounds like your saying Stand for it!
that was making the a long story short!
Well my name just fit me i have a friend that helped me chosen my name and it fit.The name i have chosen for me is Jessica Diann Hall.I have been dressing as a girl sence i was five years old and i have been living as a woman secne i was 18 yeras old.
While I was going up I knew that I was happier with the idea of being a woman.My father set me aside and preferred my younger brothers.The concept of actually putting a name on this other person just never arose until a few years ago when a distant relative compiled a family history from 1767 until present day.The name ” ANN “; that of a relative born in 1825 stood out and so I choose ANN for the real me.
My name was a long time coming. For many years I did not even give it much thought as I so rarely was able to explore my feminine self. When I came out more into the world and began to grow I knew I needed a name but had no idea what it would be.
I asked my mom what I would have been called if I was born a girl (I was born a girl but the packaging was wrong). She said that her and dad never chose a name until I was born and that it was my dad that picked it. That made me sad because I really wanted that link to my parents with my female name. My dad had passed away so I could not ask him.
I went through many many names and once I thought I had one I just kept repeating it. Some just sounded wrong. Many I forgot by the next day or two so I knew those weren’t the ones.
I chose Victoria. and it did stick. Vicki sounded good too. This was after a girl I knew when I was much younger. I liked her a lot and I so very much wanted to be like her. I chose the middle Katheryn because of the powerful vibe I felt with both names together. That worked and I still love it but it was a bit rigid and formal when I was talking with others. I not sure what happened to the contraction Vicki but Katie, a contraction for Katheryn, just came to be – it’s fun and girly and I have taken to it.
So my name is: Victoria Katheryn but my friends call me Katie!
My given names are Norman George. given to me by my parents with a family history significance. To keep the family connection I simply feminsed them to Norma Geogette
It was when I had been dressing for about 6 years that I thought myself to be reasonably presentable in the female form. This led me on to thinking that to complete the illusion I needed to have a name that fitted in with my new persona. I bought one of those “name books” and tried out quite a few, saying to myself – hi Diane – hi Carole and so on. It took a while until I settled on Christine but it sounded and felt right for me. Christine is no longer an illusion as I just know she is the woman I longed to be. At peace with myself.
My name is a combination of all of my sisters middle names, Lynne and Anne and Elizabeth. I combined the first two as a hyphenated first name and use the third as my middle name.
My mom told me that had I been a girl, they would have named me “Anne”. So naturally that had to be my feminine name. It turned out however to be too many “Anne” around, so I added my mothers name “Emilie” to have a double name and to stand out from the others.