It’s amazing how much our names shape our identities. Some names feel like a perfect fit from the start, while others never quite resonate with us.
However, crossdressers and transgender women have the unique opportunity to choose their own feminine names.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear YOURS.
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please tell us your story in the comments below, and if you can, share a photo too. It’s always lovely to put a face to a name!
Are you still searching for the perfect female name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
Unlike most gurlz I was never interested in being femme. Was a super macho man and came down with PTSD (long story).
In 2005 at age 55, one night I experienced a forbidden and hideous dream that was as real as if it had happened in real time. In it I was dressed as a woman. Full makeup, long hair, nightie, nails, very feminine and a man was violently ravaging me “doggy style” on a bed. I was begging him to stop, but was secretly loving the sensation! Without warning, my mother burst into the room and exclaimed, “Luna Marie Malet! You shameless bitch!” (No idea where the name came from; Malet is French and pronounced Malley).
My alter femme persona was developed at the behest of my shrink as a form of escapism therapy, since I was allergic to all psychotropic medications. She felt it would help control my depressions, night terrors and PTSD … and it does!
Very nice name. In fact LUNA means Moon in spanish.
I wanted a name that could be shortened a few ways, e.g. sue, suzie etc. my boyfriend could then give m eplenty of nicknames to suit his mood.
The Rhodes bit came when i had to register on one site with a second name and i could not think of one, so i went with the neighbours name from Married with Children!!
My drab name is Mike . My favorite childhood memory was when my parents took me to Disney Land . I was 5 years old and Disney Land had just opened up . I instantly became a Mickey Mouse fan. As I started to dress more , I wanted a name that could work for either male or female . And I wanted to have something sort of cute . So I ran it past a friend of mine who was also a cross dresser and she thought it would be a terrific name for me. So here 60 years later I am still that little kid in Disney Land . My wife even calls me Mikki.
Hi Mikki!
Interestingly enough, I am a Cast Member at Disneyland. …. the park opened 11 months before “I did”. I am still a kid here too. After being widowed after 41 years….in February. .. I moved here for a chance to work in the Magic. I am SO thankful that Disney has become one of the leaders in inclusive employment. If you could find me I would be thrilled to play tour guide for a day.
I came up with my name Teresa from a girl who was a neighbour and she was so feminine I adored her so I decided to take her name.
Well, my birth name is Jimmie lee so it seemed natural for me to evolve to Jenny Lynn. I started cross dressing at age 5 & never stopped. Always in private . Then about 2/3 years ago I met some tgirls on Facebook. They told me how to make my dream come true. For the last 21 months I’ve been using hormones & developing nicely. I now live as a woman. Have a super day hugs 🙂
The first time I separated from my wife and family. It’s was October and you know every Cross Dresser’s favorite Holiday. For me it was a Holloween weekend, and the first time came to grips with the fact that I was more than just a CD. This time I was going to do it right. Mani-pedi, get a full-set of nails and get my toes done as well. So I’m in full Femme for the first time at Club 7968/ Peanuts, nervous and scared out of my mind. Anyway I was at the Bar and I had ordered a non-alcoholic drink, as I was waiting for my drink, I was approached by another TG. She introduced her self as Angela, so we started talking. Then she asked for my name and I gave her my masculine name. Then she said no what’s your name? And I answered the same. Then she told me if I was a TG I should have a Femme name. This was all new to me, and then I told her I didn’t have one. She replied with “I’m going to the bathroom and when I come back You better have a girl name picked out or else. So she left, and I thought she was just kidding around. 20 minutes later she returned and she asked me ” Well what’s your girl name”. I paused, because I thought she was joking about the name thing, and again she asked “Well I’m waiting”, and the name that came to mind was Anamaria, from one of the woman in The Pirates of the Caribbean. I loved that name from the first time I heard it. So I told her Anamaria. She said, “very pretty name, from now on that’s the name you are going to use, because the rule for TG’s”, and I said fine, and she walked away. Fast forward eight years later my sister who knows that I go out to Clubs, In Femme, we have to have a girl name. So at first I told her my name was Anamaria. Then I said but I changed it to Anasofia, because her name is Maria Eugenia, and I didn’t want her to freek out about her and I having the same name. Then she said that’s good and thank you. Then she thought about it and told Wow that’s a really pretty name. I said thanks.Then she asked me why Anasofia? Then I replied Ana, and then Sofia, because Sofia Vergara is one of the most Hottest women in Hollywood, and if and when I become a woman that’s who I would love to look like, and it’s a good Catholic Latina name, I love it.
I picked out my favorite Anasofia picture.
I didn’t choose my name! My boyfriend asked me what my femme name was and I told him I didn’t know yet. I let a silent moment pass then told him to choose one for me. He thought for a moment and said Arabella. It made me tingle and I’ve been Arabella ever since.
When I first realized I TG I chose the name Barbie based on the Mattel doll. It was so fun and such a fantasy – just like being a girl was.
But as my fem personality came into bloom the name just didn’t fit me anymore. It felt like I was making fun of myself. It felt like I was not being real. And, as I tuned into my true fem feelings, I became painfully aware of the image of a woman that the media and society has thrust upon all women. SO I had to reject that impossible image of a real woman as unobtainable for any human.
So, next I choose Katherine, or Kat, for short. The idea of that name was so very alluring and sexy to me. I had never met a Kat, but wow. It made me feel so wonderful and sensual. But as I began to go out, and people would ask me my name, it just felt awkward to say Katherine or Kat. It didn’t fit me and made me feel like a poser. Like I was lying people, hiding.
So then I just started trying on names: Barbara, Elizabeth and Heather – I was Heather for a few years. No reason, it just seemed to kind of stick.
But one day I was fooling around online and some jerk asked me for my “real” name and phone number and I just typed back sarcastically, “Tawni, Tawni Bonds…” And I realized that I had just hit upon something.
Tawni based on the ever fabulous Tawny Katang – I had met her several times and she was so sexy and sensual. She was fun, effervescent, and just great and inclusive of all around her. I wanted to be that! And BONDS because I have always loved being in bondage – since I was 6 years old. So Tawni Bonds.
I had no intention of keeping that name but it seems to have stuck and now that is just who I really and truly am! I started introducing myself as Tawni, my personality bloomed with that name and now I am, Tawni Bonds!