Have you ever felt misunderstood?
Sadly, there’s a lot of ignorance out there! That’s why in this blog post, I want to debunk common myths about crossdressers and transgender women.
Let’s start with one of the biggest misconceptions that’s unfortunately still hanging around:
Myth: Transgender women, crossdressers, and drag queens are all the same.
While all these are valid ways of expressing one’s gender, they represent distinct groups, and it’s important not to use these terms interchangeably.
To clarify, here’s how the GLAAD Media Reference Guide defines some common transgender terms:
- Transgender women – People who were assigned male at birth but who identify as women. Many transgender women are prescribed hormones or undergo surgery, but transgender identity is not dependent upon medical procedures.
- Crossdressers – Men, typically heterosexual men, who occasionally wear clothes, makeup, and accessories associated with women. This activity is a form of gender expression and is not done for entertainment purposes. Crossdressers do not wish to permanently change their sex or live full-time as women.
- Drag queens – Men, typically gay men, who dress like women for the purpose of entertainment.
- Gender non-conforming – A term used to describe some people whose gender expression is different from conventional expectations of masculinity and femininity. The term is not a synonym for transgender or transsexual and should only be used if someone self-identifies as gender non-conforming.
- Non-binary and/or genderqueer – Terms used by some people who experience their gender identity and/or gender expression as falling outside the categories of male and female. The term is not a synonym for transgender and should only be used if someone self-identifies as non-binary and/or genderqueer.
Now that the record has been set straight, let’s look at some of the most common myths about crossdressers and transgender women.
7 Myths About Transgender Women
- Being transgender is a choice.
- Transgender people are gay.
- Transgender women aren’t “real” women.
- Your sex is defined by your chromosomes and/or hormones.
- You have to have surgery to be a “real” transgender person.
- You aren’t transgender until you start hormone therapy.
- Kids and teens are too young to know if they’re really transgender.
7 Myths About Crossdressers
- Crossdressers are gay.
- Crossdressers are perverts.
- Crossdressing is a psychological problem.
- Crossdressing can be cured.
- Crossdressers want to change their sex.
- Crossdressing is a destructive addiction.
- Crossdressers can’t be good husbands or fathers.
Have you heard any of these myths before? They’re frustrating and hurtful, aren’t they? It’s time for the world to wake up and realize this truth:
Your gender is who you are on the inside. There are countless ways to express your gender, and all are completely valid!
To help spread this truth, check out these excellent resources from GLAAD below. They’re a great way to increase awareness about transgender issues.
Recommended Resources from GLAAD
Now let’s hear from you…
What’s the truth that YOU’D like to set straight? Let’s continue the conversation in the comments below!
4.Your sex is defined by your chromosomes and/or hormones.
Taking aside all the other things you wrote, how could you possibly think this is a myth/wrong? Its a fact that humans have 2 sexes, determined by their sex chromosomes, with most of the development of sexual characteristics dependent on the level of sex hormones. One sex that produces sperm cells, another that produces egg cells.
There are rare cases where sex is not expressed properly, such as people that are resistant to male hormones and are male or people that have an additional sex chromosome. These are, and I know it sounds cruel but its simply the truth, failures in a biological sense that wont be able to reproduce.
I get that some people would like to be another sex,
maybe even so badly that they undergo surgery, take steroid hormones,
change their appearance in drastic ways etc.
You will never be of the other sex though, you can just try very hard to look and act like it. If you do it right all the other people will never know unless you tell them.
You forget one thing, in the world of leftist politics, the new neomarxism, gender identity and all the bs that goes along with progressive politics, if you do not endorse, accept, celebrate whatever the lgbtq community is about, regardless of science or reality staring them right in the face, you might as well quit your job and put a bullet in your head and be done with it. The activist groups do not believe in a contrary argument which constitutes “hate speech and bigotry” and you will be hunted down, lose your job and be homeless. If they get their way in the U.S. like they have in England and Australia, it’s over. That’s the new marxism.
oh good there are some reasonable gurls here ;P xx
It is disheartening when a fellow transgender M/F pre-op (?) refuses to “follow” the rules in the LADIES RESTROOM. Instead of using the toilet properly, you can guess what she did and naturally you can guess what happened next.
Needless to say, the police were involved and lots of negative comments were made both about the TG community and the individual herself. BTW, she claims she didn’t do anything wrong except just use the toilet instead of sitting. Does this tell you what she did???
Thanks i really needed this today… i was teary eyed all afternoon… its one thing when u hear all this from hetero people… but it hurts 100x more when our own LGBT community treats each other like this… so much infighting and jealousy… lol
All i want to do is be a devoted girlfriend for my loved one… then it shouldnt matter if i decide to do that just for the night or rest of my life. i dont have to go on with surgery or outing myself to everyone… thats my personal life that i want to share with a few select cuz im an Introvert regardless of my orientation… does not make me less of a girl and it doesnt make me less of a transgendered person.
This article stopped me from crying and gave me back my confidence. Thanks and love you so much sis <3 🙂
Every since I was a boy I used my mothers lengerie, hiding of course. My mother knew but somehow did not make a big fuss. She ask some questions, and that was it.
Now I recognize that I am a crossdresser. So I wax from top to bottom. Tried once with my beard. I was convinced it would not hurt as doing brasilian, but Wow was I wrong
(I already have white hair, so laser does not work)
I ware daily tights for years now. It is much better than using socks.
Panties sometimes, but I prefer men’s short once they gather better “you know what”, and they support better the testicles to avoid the gravity problems (as women need Brás).
Just discovered bodies, which are great in terms of internal freshment and bras. The lady at the shop, after I lost my shyness and assumed being a XDresser, helped me out finding the right size. Nobody notices that I am using since I use body and bra at the same time (the shirt must be semi-opaque)
To have a great feeling in my body I daily place creams all over. That is the cherry on top of the cake
I am crossdresser i like to be change into tg…i want to be lesbian
not sure how you can have a mishap with your meds that will reduce your T and increase your E levels , it takes months of regular HRT and T blockers to notice the changes you describe.
taking large dosses will Not do that for you,
I agree with your description of us girls. I do not wear a dress much but I only own jeans (size10) panties (size7) blouses (sizem or large) ankle at the most length unless winter socks womens size9 shoes. I no loger own any mens clothes. Though I am in public all the time and very femm I do not want to be singled out. I do not wear make up or a wig(don’t need the wig as I have naturaly long and curly hair(at almost 64). I am female as far as I am concerned! and will be till I pass just wish I could find someone like me around here. LOVE YOU FOR WHAT U DO FOR US GIRLS!!!
Utter rubbish.