Your walk is a critical aspect of your female image. Learning how to walk in a naturally feminine way can do wonders to enhance your overall appearance.
Unfortunately, it’s easy to go from one extreme (a masculine walk) to the other (over-exaggerated hip swinging).
How can you find a happy medium as you master your feminine movements? I’m glad you asked!
In this article, I share 3 simple tips to help you achieve a natural, womanly walk. Read on to learn more!
1. Try the Hip Matrix
A big difference between men and women is that women tend to have more fluid body movements.
That means you can sway your hips all you want – but until you learn how to “loosen up” your body, your feminine walk will look stiff and unnatural.
The Hip Matrix can help with this. Created by movement specialist Rob Brinded, the Hip Matrix exercise is designed to release tension and free up your body movements so you can achieve a flowing, feminine walk.
Watch the video above and then try it for yourself. If you compare your walk before and after, I promise you’ll be amazed by the difference!
P.S. You can learn more about Rob’s approach to feminine movement in my Stepping Out Secrets Program.
2. Practice in High Heels
Women have a lower center of gravity than men due to their wider hips. This creates that sexy hip sway that’s characteristic of a feminine walk.
Forcing your hips to sway usually looks unnatural. Instead, practice walking in high heels. High heels change your center of gravity and exaggerate the forward curve of your spine. This helps release the hips, which naturally feminizes your movements.
You can enhance this effect by trying to keep your shoulders still as you walk. This forces you to use your hips for balance.
Once you’ve mastered hip walking in heels, practice the same movements in flat shoes.
3. Shorten Your Stride
Shortening your stride is another easy and effective way to feminize your walk.
The average woman’s step length (the distance from the toe of one foot to the toe of the opposite foot) is 26”. So if you want to be scientific about it, get out a ruler and measure your steps! Your natural stride is probably longer, so work on taking shorter steps.
Note: The higher your heels are, the shorter your steps should be.
There are other subtle elements that define a feminine walk, but these tips are a great place to start. Give them a try and let me know what you think!
I’d also love to hear about any other movement tips or techniques you’ve found helpful. Please share in the comments below.
P.S. Would you like to learn more advanced feminine movement strategies? My Stepping Out Secrets Program will show you how to master all the elements of a beautiful feminine image, including: moves, curves, fashion, beauty, voice, confidence, and more!
I’ve found that a lot of it is just getting it through my head that we center of gravity is in my hips. Move from the waist down and keep the upper body relativly still.
Sitting up straight on a dining chair with feet and knees together
1)Putting each leg forward you will find that your heel will be down and toes pointing up
2)Now start again this time point your toes and you will see that your foot will be level with the floor If you do this while standing you will see that your toes will land on the floor first not the best way to walk
3)Now sitting up straight feet and knees together point your toes slightly up now let your foot go forward but only take a small step You will find that the ball of your foot will land on the floor first Now practice this as much as you can so when you take a step the ball of your foot will be the contact point with the floor
Now do take small steps as women we are meant to glide as we walk and please dont walk like the runway models that is so false and everyone will be looking at you
Hi Lucille,
First: I just love your Stepping Out Secrets program. I’m learning so much and also validating some of the things I’m doing correctly- thank you for doing the upfront legwork to provide us the this complete resource.
Walking: I find that I walk my best when I’m dress nicely and I have done my makeup well. I videotape myself while I walk the length of my home. I walk into the camera and then away from it. My dog must think I’m nuts, but I do this ten or more times per video. I am an expert in my heels because of the repetition. I try it with and without a purse, or I try walking quickly, or strolling- I mix it up. I caught my shoulder swagger this way and also found that I look best when I smile and maintain a happy attitude.
I have to echo the many compliments our girls have posted, in thanking you for your love for us, and for your great resources.
Love, Maria D.
You make a good point about the smile.
If you are smiling others will be more likely to focus on your face and not on any little mistakes on your walk or dress.
Stretch ladies! Do it every day regardless of your fitness level!
OMG!What about the book!As silly as it sounds get a book down(yes a hardback is what you need),put your heels on and,after you stand up,put the book on your head.Most of us will drop the book the first few times,but,with practice,it will help center your gravity and move more femininely.And PLEASE,take short steps til you become more comfortable.With practice,comes experience.
A little tip that i use to improve my swing is to do a daily walk in my heels on the tred mill. I find i Relax and sway with the walk.
Thank you for all you do for us.
Your contribution toward our increased femininity is wonderful. . . Your involvement is wonderful and I an reminded of the value of your input. . .
Marilyn in Dallas
And, Lucille, don’t women tend to walk with the back of their hands facing forwards, while men tend to walk with the back of their hands facing sideways? Or have misunderstood my observations?
I have noticed that when GG women walk, some look like they are ‘holding onto’ a towel, constantly drying their backside while they walk, providing they are not keeping one arm holding a shoulder bag still.