I hope 2024 is off to a great start for you!
I don’t know about you, but I love the fresh start that a new year brings…
On that note, do you have any goals or resolutions for your female self for 2024?
If so, I’d love to hear them!
Please take my poll and share your femme goals below. (Note: You can select more than one answer in the poll.)
Wishing you a fun, feminine, fabulous 2024!
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There is an option for Other (please specify) but does not have an area to specify anything. In my case I have an absolute obsession with how my nails look – shape, length, colour etc. Mine are currently almond with French Tip and about 5mm showing if you view from the palm of your hand. As Xmas is upon us I’m likely to go red, then other colours like purple/lilac every other nail, green, blue, who knows. Enjoy your festive holiday ladies.
Hi !
I’ve checked almost everythinhg in the poll, except go out as a woman for the first time and come out to family and friends, which have already happened. As far as the rest is concerned, well, even if I think I am more or less nicely proportioned, i could love a few pounds here and thete, improve my makeup skill, speak with a more feminine voice, etc. There’s always something to learn from others. And well, I hope that one day I can live without those breast forms. and let’s dream for a minute … get married, ah I can’t tell you how much I’d love that !