Do you want to create an alluring feminine image as a crossdresser or transgender woman?
Well, it’s not just about splurging on expensive breast forms, clothes, or makeup…
The real secret lies in understanding the message you want your image to convey! It’s a crucial part of finding your gender expression.
A simple way to do this is by selecting 3 words that describe your ideal feminine self. For example, is your inner woman:
- Sassy, sexy, and unexpected?
- Bold, brainy, and beautiful?
- Mysterious, stylish, and elegant?
Knowing who you are (or who you want to be) is the key to creating an image that reflects the TRUE you. This encompasses your appearance, behavior, and communication style.
Why only 3 words?
Because it forces you to focus on the essence of your feminine image. More than that, and the message becomes diluted.
So, which 3 words describe your feminine self? Please share them with us below!
P.S. Are the words “stunning,” “sexy,” and “beautiful” on your list? If not, they should be – and The Makeup Magic Program can help!
This comprehensive male to female makeup course will teach you everything you need to know to unleash your most beautiful femme self.
desire, hope and feelings
Demure, confident, elegant
Shy Ugly Cumbersome is what i am:( i want to be Confident Pretty Elegant 🙂
classy, intelligent, and sensuous that is how I feel in femm
WONDER? WHATS? NEXT? there you go my 3 words of the day and when you (wonder) if it can get any better yes it can what if you just wondered about it and did nothing (what) is go and dont wonder if you did it right or not be yourself (next) is that next thing your going to say or do or wear So Dont Wonder Whats Next just go all out and do it today and the next and whats next wonder is in your state of mine is in you can do it.
There is so may words to descride how real woman see themselves but very few words that descride a person that lives everyday as two people. The male body that you were given at birth and girl mind that lives trapped inside. Please tell me how I am the feel to be glamorous, sophisticated, sexy, classy, intelligent, sensuous, sassy, unespected, bold, brainy, beautiful, mytererious, stylish, elegant, feminine, engaging, beautiful, natural, but all you really feel is trapped, apprehenesive, insecure, messed up and lost. If you have not lived your life like this there is not much that can make you happy and to feel good about yourself and believe me I have tryed just about everything. Believe me I have tryed to shake this thing and the older I get the stronger it gets I know I will take it to the grave.
Well 3 words humm, classy and pretty are words that I hear often enough to keep my morale on high alert, I was also refered as sophisticated a few times at event introductions.
Your statement is very true Lucille, the words and the method the word is used by people to describe one’s self is very important, transgender women should always stand tall and proud of who we are and our accomplishments
P.S. I love the change to your web site, the new name is much more appealing
Thanks, Kimberly! I’m glad you like the new name. 🙂
Hi there.
The words people describe me are often too insulting to be repeated. while I am Hermafrodite, I have a more maculine head (still not adjusted to use makeup) and very feminim body, people still see in me; the homo, freak and transvestite.
while people that have spoken to me and know WHAT I am call me; Rare, persistant, Social.
People that know me even better call me; Passionate, Responsible, very helpful.
the persons that truly know me (my best friends) call me; Robin, Friend, Teacher.
While I call myself; Robin, Human, Caring.
the best designations I ever got were;
from a 4 year old girl; He and She, thus Shhe. very clever and loving.
from a local Imman after explaning; You are the proof that Allah exists.
from a group of feminists; Best of both worlds.
From a lesbian co-dancer; if I hadn’t a relation, I’d sure know how to reach you.
from an Old Teacher; You’ve always radiated motherhood and freedom under the umbrella of wisdom, go on.
Respect to all who are among us fighting to express yourself in being yourself, in whatever form or way, for personal freedom as a basic right.
Thank you for sharing your story. As a Two Spirited person I see how some people can be so unkind in their choice of words to others around them. But I know in my heart this is their issue and not mine or yours. Never let them steal your joy.
We are blessed to have you be the person you are. You teach us, by example, empathy, respect and empowering personal freedom.
Beauty is truly in the Eye of the Beholder
Robin, your post made me sad and happy at the same time. Sad that you would be abused for being what you are, and happy that some respect you for who you are. The latter are proof that some intelligent life exists here on Earth.