Do you want to create an alluring feminine image as a crossdresser or transgender woman?
Well, it’s not just about splurging on expensive breast forms, clothes, or makeup…
The real secret lies in understanding the message you want your image to convey! It’s a crucial part of finding your gender expression.
A simple way to do this is by selecting 3 words that describe your ideal feminine self. For example, is your inner woman:
- Sassy, sexy, and unexpected?
- Bold, brainy, and beautiful?
- Mysterious, stylish, and elegant?
Knowing who you are (or who you want to be) is the key to creating an image that reflects the TRUE you. This encompasses your appearance, behavior, and communication style.
Why only 3 words?
Because it forces you to focus on the essence of your feminine image. More than that, and the message becomes diluted.
So, which 3 words describe your feminine self? Please share them with us below!
P.S. Are the words “stunning,” “sexy,” and “beautiful” on your list? If not, they should be – and The Makeup Magic Program can help!
This comprehensive male to female makeup course will teach you everything you need to know to unleash your most beautiful femme self.
stylish, sexy, brainy
Intelligent, beautiful, sexy
I have been told I like and pass as a female, so I guess I’m cute sexy and a crossdresser who wishes to be female.
Beautiful, intelligent, sassy
Sweet, sexy and adorable, too
aexy, beautiful, elegant
My three words.
Over the top!
Being a lead singer and guitarist for a rock band, I am the front girl for the band. I had better feel good about myself and for what I do, or get a different profession. I am also the CEO for our record label and company. Being transgender brings a wealth of challenges for me and my company.
Knowing my beauty and talents, makes it so I know who I am.
The world had ugly if you like. But why? Take a negative and make a positive out of it.
I love the forced focus on just three words. Because likes written words here. Three is just not enough.
Great challenge.
Thank you for the love.
girly, wise, mature
Three words to describe is pretite, short and gorgeous.