Do you want to create a captivating feminine image as a crossdresser or transgender woman? It’s not about spending a fortune on breast forms, clothes, or makeup.
The real secret is knowing the message you want your image to convey. This is key to expressing your true self.
A simple way to start is by choosing 3 words that describe your ideal feminine self.
For example, is she:
- Sassy, sexy, and spontaneous?
- Bold, brainy, and beautiful?
- Elegant, mysterious, and stylish?
If people aren’t seeing you for who you are, it might be because your outward image doesn’t match your inner self.
Knowing your essence helps you create a cohesive image that reflects the REAL you – through your appearance, behavior, and communication.
For instance, if your ideal self is classy, intelligent, and sensuous, you’d know that a super short miniskirt might not align with that image!
Why just 3 words?
Because it keeps your focus sharp and clear. Any more, and the message loses its impact.
So, what 3 words describe your feminine self?
We’d love to hear them! Please share in the comments below.
P.S. Are the words “stunning,” “sexy,” and “beautiful” on your list? If not, they should be – and The Makeup Magic Program can help!
This comprehensive male to female makeup course will teach you everything you need to know to unleash your most beautiful femme self.
hi i am Bold, brainy, and beautiful
As far as i am, right now, i’d say mysterious, stylish and elegant. Can’t go/do any further 🙂
sexy,confident, and HAPPY
Three Words that describe Bobbie Angel
1. Nurturing
2. Forgiving
3. Accepting
Now an explanation.
Since I was young adult I have been nurturing to children. I was one of very few young men that mothers in my neighborhood trusted with their children when they needed someone to take care of them. I often had several weekends that I would have multiple jobs taking care of children.
During my first marriage I was a foster parent to over 40 children during the 15 years we were foster parents. This was in addition to the 4 biological children we had. I am now getting re-certified to be a foster parent with my new wife and we will be taking in youth that have been kicked out of their homes or they left on their own because they are LGBT-Q. I am excited because I will then be nurturing youth who can feel safe and feel they are accepted for who they are.
My wife had an issue that was causing her much grief and she wanted to get some revenge. She was so worked up and I just let her “stew” over the issues. Later on she came to me and said, “I am the one drinking the poison, wishing for (blank) to die.” I told her all along, that anger and revenge are the poison. She had even said some things that were even hurtful to me. But I forgave her, telling her that I understood where she was coming from and she had to discover that truth for herself.
I accept everyone for who they really are. I am by no means perfect. So, I accept other’s imperfections and I understand that we have to at times overlook our friend’s and family’s mistakes and then help them to do better.
These are the three words that best describe Bobbie Angel, 1. Nurturing, 2. Forgiving, and 3. Accepting.
Your Friend,
Bobbie Angel
Bobbie, that was very well put in your meaning behind your three. Just keep and dont loose your faith
I love your 3 words and the stories behind them! Thank you for sharing, beautiful Bobbie Angel.
Sassy, sexy, and unexpected
Sensual,mystifying,daring I feel describe my femme self.
I love your new name,by the way,Lucille;-)XXX.
my my three words gorgeous,hot,sexy