When doing male to female makeup, you probably focus a lot on your eyes and lips. But what about your brows?
Eyebrows are one of your most defining facial features – they can completely change the way your face looks.
For crossdressers and MTF transgender women, well-groomed brows make a big difference in achieving a softer, more feminine appearance.
In this post, I’ll share tips on shaping, grooming, and using makeup to feminize your brows so you can create your most feminine look.
Tips For Shaping MTF Eyebrows
As you can see from the photo of Laverne Cox above, gorgeously shaped brows add so much definition and feminine beauty to the face. Here’s how to achieve this effect for yourself:
Have your eyebrows professionally shaped
My #1 tip is to have your eyebrows professionally shaped if possible. An eyebrow artist will know exactly how to shape your brows to create the best shape for your face.
While eyebrow waxing is popular, I personally prefer eyebrow threading. This creates a more precise shape. It also tends to be more cost effective.
You can often find affordable eyebrow threading kiosks at the mall or in shopping centers. Just be sure to read reviews to find the best providers.
Shape your own eyebrows
If you prefer to tweeze your own brows, you can get great results if you follow some simple principles. The last thing you should do is start plucking random hairs without a plan.
Before you start tweezing, you need to figure out the shape of your eyebrows, including where the arch should be and where the brows should start and end. This is called “brow mapping.”
Using the above diagram for guidance, follow these steps to determine your ideal eyebrow shape:
- Hold an eyeliner pencil along the outer side of your nose. This line indicates where the eyebrows should start. (Note: The pencil should be aligned with the “bulb” of your nose, not the outer edge of the nostrils.)
- Then, angle the pencil across your eye, directly in front of the pupil. This is where the eyebrow should arch.
- Finally, angle the pencil from the outer edge of your nostril to the outer edge of the eye. This is where the tail of your brow should end.
After you have mapped out your brow shape, you are ready to start tweezing.
Use an eyebrow brush or spoolie to brush your brow hairs straight up. Then carefully tweeze any hairs that fall outside your ideal shape. Pluck the hairs one-by-one, tweezing in the direction of the hair growth.
It’s very important not to overpluck. Step back and look in the mirror every few hairs to check your progress.
How To Groom Your Brows If You Can’t Tweeze
While beautiful feminine brows can transform your face, I understand that this can be challenging if you have to maintain a male appearance. It might not be practical to completely reshape and feminize your brows.
If you can’t give yourself a complete brow makeover, you can still groom your brows. This will make you look better in female AND male mode. Here is how to do it:
- Use an eyebrow brush or spoolie to brush your brow hairs straight up. This will allow you to see any long hairs that extend past the top of your brows.
- With a small scissors, trim any hairs that extend out past the rest of your eyebrow. (Be sure to cut away from the brows so you don’t accidentally cut a hole into the eyebrows.)
- Tweeze any stray hairs that fall outside the natural perimeter of the brows.
The most important thing is not to over-tweeze your brows, especially if you are trying to maintain a masculine eyebrow shape. The goal here is to clean up the brows rather than completely reshape them.
Also, be sure to refer to the brow map above and keep in mind where the brows should begin and end.
Eyebrow Makeup Tutorial
After you have shaped or groomed your brows, the last step is to fill in your brows with eyebrow makeup. This is the finishing touch to creating perfect MTF eyebrows.
See the video above for step-by-step instructions on how to fill and feminize your eyebrows – featuring makeup artist Chris Scott.
In conclusion
Beautiful brows are a powerful tool for achieving your best female look. So, play with these techniques and get ready to wow the world!
As always, I’d love to hear what you think in the comments below. Take my poll and then show us your best eyebrow look by sharing a selfie!
P.S. If you liked this article, you will LOVE my Feminine Glow Up Starter Pack.
Kickstart your successful MTF transformation with this 5-topic bundle – only $7 for a limited time only!
Sorry,I don’t have a clearer picture
Hiii everyone, i try to go light on my eyebrows to match my hair. At 61 these gray strands here and there try to take over, but i do my best to subdo them…lol…huggs all
When I get my brows done, I ask for an arch and to give them some height as I’m still training to be a beauty therapist, and need walk the walk, and my brows are low down, so a higher arch would be helpful, but when I ask, they only tidy a few stray ones and nothing else, and when they ask if it’s ok, I just agree and can’t really do much about it because there’s no higher arch and the brow is too low
And here’s the newest one of me. lol! I took it this morning when I woke up! Maybe a little vanity, maybe a little stir crazy!
Wow, your eyebrows are fantastic, love them! xx
Thank you!
Hi again – some folks asked for some more old photos of me. Here is one of me in my big hair days about 20 years ago! I’m bored here with the virus thing, so I thought I would share! Hugs, Suzy
You haven’t changed a bit !
Stay well…
I am fortunate that my natural eyebrows look fairly good with just a trim and some encouragement to grow in the right direction. Besides I wear glasses all the time so they really don’t show. As I don’t get to spend much time enfemme I’m happy with a gender neutral look. That said I would like to learn how to highlight them and what products work for me as eventually I hope to be Jenny more often. The pictures just show me with and without glasses.
Hugs and kisses to all of you,
Jenny D
A little off topic, but with so much time on my hands with this virus and being indoors, I thought it would be fun to go thru some old photos and share! Here I am at a professional photo shoot about 20 years ago! What do you think? I remember it as being a very fun event! Hugs, Suzy
You look sssooo amazing here sweety! I wish they had a place that would do that (make overs for men) in my state. Ive looked and looked. No such luck. I have heard of a place in Colorado but, I will never have enuf time on my hands to travel there so I haven’t bothered too see if there is one there or not. Anyway, HUGS & ! Theran James
Thanks Teheran! I actually do my own makeup. Always have. Sometimes at a local mall, Sephora will do makeup for transgendered women. It’s not an issue. Hugs, Suzy
Suzy Q….
Just adorable! You were and are soooo cute, girl.
Give us more…please!
Thanks so much T.J.! You look very cute too as usual. Go girl! I just posted another old photo you might like. Me in my old big hair days! Hugs, Suzy
You look amazing Suzy! Not only the outfit and hair but your charming smile is so attractive and naughty at the same time! Great pic.
Thanks Morgan! Was a fun time! The photographer was a woman and we had a great time! Hugs, Suzy
Dear Lucille
Very apposite comments as always. I am so grateful to you for the service that you provide us girls week in, and week out.
Love Richard