Choosing the right words to describe your gender identity can feel tricky. For transgender and non-binary people, finding a label that fits is personal and important.
Using respectful language matters. Outdated or offensive terms can hurt, so it’s okay to set boundaries about how others address you.
At the same time, you are more than a label. What matters most is how you choose to define yourself, no matter where you are on the gender spectrum.
Do you have a label that feels right – like crossdresser, transgender woman, non-binary, or something else?
I’d love to hear your thoughts, so let’s continue the conversation in the comments below!
Hi sisters,
Everybody is different in this world, male and female are very close and there is an slight thin divisory line which create confusion; every guy have some feminine attributes and every girl have something masculine in their bodies or minds (even hormones), the same principles work for both but in opposite direction what for? is easy, to ensure the human reproduction.
Male and female are the top and bottom of a basketball ball, regular male should be in some range of the middle and regular girl in the other side, when one is very close to the other extreme is when all this definitions get place.
I’m consider myself as bi-gender or intersex as well, due to my ability of switching between genders, for sure more inclined and comfortable in the female side but some sporadic aspects of male.
Wow” You are BEAUTIFUL..!!!
When I am on a discussion panel in a college in which the class is talking with us, I
refer myself as a Transgender crossdresser. To me people think crossdresser is someone
just playing around wearing opposite sex clothes and Transgender is a name people
need to be more educated with. I have not used T-girl and when I am out in public I just
want to be referred as a women and treated like one while that is what I feel. There are
some cruel people out there and they are the ones that need to look at themself.
Hi Lucille,
I would like to echo JinianVictoria’s reply. I too am a woman. I just happen to be in a transitioning stage. I don’t believe in labels, or for that matter being included in any sort of sexually defined community. I think it leads us to be marginalized and persecuted. The important consideration is who I am and not what I am.
I have a wonderful wife who is fully supportive, and the best partner anyone could hope to have. Don’t label us lesbians, because you would have to prove that we have sex together. I have found tremendous love and support from family, friends, neighbours, and the professionals I deal with on a daily basis. It is unfortunate that there will always be people who want to label or judge you. These poor ignorant souls get no consideration from me, and I will not let them affect my life in any way. Thanks Lucille.
I would like to think of me as a person But since everybody has to put a name on a person I would say i am transgender It is funny we do not think much about our job title for who are but we have to put a title on us just because we feel or look different from what people think we should be The only other thing i will say is just like everyone posting comments on her we are all more of a person than alot of people for the simple fact that we are who we are and it is us that we have to please nobody else And i also repect anybody that can be who the are
Lucille, I would not mind being “a man who likes to wear women’s clothes and underwear”. I don’t like the other names as they suggest judgements have been made and the words now carry a lot of (ambiguous) baggage
tis a good question ive been playing dress up since i was (15) and am going tobe (56)this year.been married an devorced (3)times.always felt i looked good in their clothes..especially their nite clothes..was in my late (20s)when i started dressing and going out in public.i love the feeling of being all dressed up in public.especialy now with my girls (BREASTS)….love the sexy sensual side,the i look great feeling.the erroticness.just the way i am don”t where a label.just love beein me terri in texas
I’ve labeled myself as a T-girl for a long time, I think it covers me pretty well. I look at myself as being in the transgendered mode.
I don’t mind the term T-girl or Trans-gendered, But we are all people regardless of who we are inside or how we dress. It is sad that so many people are so closed minded that only the way that they are living is the right way. It’s fear and ignorance that create labels and hatred. I am proud to be in touch with both of my genders, i believe it makes me a whole person. it makes me happy to have People out there like Lucille who are willing to help all of us special Girls. Regardless of what people say about or call us we know who we are and that there are people who accept us for who we are.