Choosing the right words to describe your gender identity can feel tricky. For transgender and non-binary people, finding a label that fits is personal and important.
Using respectful language matters. Outdated or offensive terms can hurt, so it’s okay to set boundaries about how others address you.
At the same time, you are more than a label. What matters most is how you choose to define yourself, no matter where you are on the gender spectrum.
Do you have a label that feels right – like crossdresser, transgender woman, non-binary, or something else?
I’d love to hear your thoughts, so let’s continue the conversation in the comments below!
Yes! My body is in in TRANSITION. I have always been female trapped in a male body. Until l complete my transition I well wear many titles depending on the perspective of the viewer. The way l see it, the only rightful label that belongs to me is the one l tell you when asked. Everything els seems to be the flavour of the month for which ever ignorant ruling class. Cross Dresser, either for fetish only, or fetish and then some….. at home, by themselves, nothing fetishy about it or them, except the desire to wear the clothing of the opposite sex now and then…
Transvestite. A serious, adamant cross dress that dresses up regularly, and is very good at it!
These two are very similar in one other way that is soooooooooo important, and ultimately makes them an entirely separate category….. they do not FEEL/THINK as a woman does, and they have NO desire to undergo transtion or become a woman, because they simply are not women, they are men! And they know that!! (and visa versa for female to male)
Transgender: a person who feels that their insides don’t match their outsides. These people feel like their bodies don’t match their brains, hearts, feelings, etc. Although many transgender people remain in their birth bodies for the duration of their lives, doesn’t take away how the identify…. for some, sexual re-assignment, facial feminization and other surgeries are just too expensive, or non existent in the regions, amongst other reasons like how society treats them, the repercussions of their religious groups, families, workplaces, etc. not everyone lives in Canada!! hehe, or Thailand!! giggles
And that brings us to ‘Transsexual’. Those that are , and always will be ‘transgender’, but have taken the next step in our ‘gender journey’ (as it’s often appropriately called) to seek out the necessary people, places, and support to transition from one sex to another via estrogen, progesterone, spirontone, and a variety of others for the male to females, and the reverse for the female to male (which I don’t know what the pills are called, but I’m sure an increase in testosterone and the rest of the stuff I’m trying to get rid of, hehe)
these two categories, as you can see have a common ground, and is nothing like the above forementioned cd’s and tv’s.
these are not only my understanding of these categories, but recognizxed by the medical communities in Canada and elsewhere in the world
Hi All
I would like to be refered as a female, but if i was to sit in a catogory it would be transgender as i go out in public as a female. If i stayed at home and dressed i would the class myself as crossdresser, if living as a female but not have had a sexchange then a transvestite, drag queens make a mockery of women.
Sharon, I think SOME of the drag queens & other trannies of past have given the transgender as transsexual that bad label, therefore they made a mockery of all.
well i am a tgirl on the inside and outside when i can, and prond of it.
sometimes ‘labels’ are not really descriptive. there are many shades of femininized men. some love to dress in private, some in public. some love women, and some love men. some don’t know where they are eventually going to end up… (like me). for the present i would label myself as a ‘crossdresser’. but next year… ?
I am a girl, a woman, or a lady. Same as any other girl/woman/lady…. my genetailia being wrong doesnt give anyone the right to take that away from me… and I feel these labels while needed for medical/psychological(legal) reasons, in that setting, should be left there and not used ANYWHERE else. I dont call males, malegendered or malesexual or malevestites. I do not call females femalegendered, femalesexuals, or femalevesites. Why would they call me transgendered, transexual, or transvestite? These words harm people, and are used by most in derogatory ways. The same way many men use the term “fag” to put other men down, even though many gay people use the term fag without issue. These labels mess everything up if left in to many ears around you.
I am Tracy, always have been, always will be. I’m a woman, always have been, always will be.
I am a CROSSDRESSER.I like to b identified only as a crossdresser.I am not inclined towards change of sex. Of course my wife though not opposes very vehemently,yet cooperates me mentally
I am a transwoman, and proud to be one and I am looking forward to the day I get my surgery. I have lived as a woman now for 8 months with only 4 months left to finish my year before I get my letters for surgery.