Choosing the right words to describe your gender identity can feel tricky. For transgender and non-binary people, finding a label that fits is personal and important.
Using respectful language matters. Outdated or offensive terms can hurt, so it’s okay to set boundaries about how others address you.
At the same time, you are more than a label. What matters most is how you choose to define yourself, no matter where you are on the gender spectrum.
Do you have a label that feels right – like crossdresser, transgender woman, non-binary, or something else?
I’d love to hear your thoughts, so let’s continue the conversation in the comments below!
Why must we label anything? Labels, pigeon holes, stereotypes, this is 2011… we should move on. The label I choose to use when I am out and about is Jamie.
I have two personas, I enjoy both worlds, thats despite the mammary glands (by the way) So as Lauren I insist on Lauren, as the other I insist on my male name.. so I guess I’m a cross dresser but transgendered is best. My male persona gets more feminine daily, but I’ve not had any strange comments despite having augmented my looks with micro pigmentation…
Beautiful and very sexy!!!!!
I so agree Lauren. When I am out as Debra I want to be referred to as Debra. When I am at work I am my male self. He is slowly disappearing. Yes I do not live full-time as a woman but I am happy in both worlds but leaning to the fem more everyday. Call be crossdresser or trans but I hate being called a fag!
i go with shemale since it goes along with the male female classification pattern.
I feel labels is so wrong… as i do not label anyone… I was born a woman within and i will die a woman. To put a trans woman or transsexual m2f inbetween i feel is totaly wrong. This might not be the case with the rest of the girls under the transgender umbrella. Crossdressers and transvestites may not want to go the whole 10 yards because they do not have a complete fem soul, some would realize later that they are in fact which is sad. The later in life you decide to transition the harder it gets to pass and people might see that person as a man in a dress… rather than the woman they realy are. Unfortunatly myself was uneducated when it came to this matter and thought I would change if a marry and have children…. this cause a whole lot of extra baggage, heart ache and pain. Dont get me wrong… I love my child. I am more of a mother to her than her own mom.
So, everyone under the tags of which we call transgender might be diffrent as night and day, but shares something that makes us the same
Lots of Love
hola soy marta amiga y travesti como mariajo. me encanta esta web, eres genial. a mi no me gusta que me etiqueten para nada. parece que te clasifican, que te elijan por ponerte una etiqueta
lucille me encanta todo lo publicado, es de gran ayuda para todas ntras. lucille estoy pensando en dar ese ultimo empujoncito y convertirme en toda una mujercita de verdad, operarme por fin. tener mi vagina. ya te dije que me siento toda una mujer. chica uno de los problemitas que nos suelen surgir a menudo es a la hora de ir al baño, en muchos casos las chicas protestan de usar su baño, sera que no nos entienden que tambien somos mujeres
lucille, chica me encanta sentirme una mujer, vestirme, maquillarme, andar, en definitiva vivir como una autentica mujer, la verdad que es muy bonito y agradable. ahora que hasta que das ese paso se pasa muy mal. como te dije me arrestaron y estuve esposada a una chica chica. lucille que mal con los grilletes a la espalda, te sientes humillada, indefensa, mal. nos llevaron al juez esposadas a la espalda y en un furgon para presas, iba con tres chicas mas. me encantaria que me contestaras. un besito, mariajo
me llamo mariajo y si me etiquetan como travesti, pues vale. me siento muy mujer y estoy muy orgullosa de ser una travesti. estuve detenida, arrestada y me esposaron con una chica, señal que paso ya por chica. todas, travestis, transexuales, drag nos tenemos que sentir orgullosas de serlo y en ntro dni poner mujer