Age is a popular topic around here and I’m occasionally asked…
“Am I too old to crossdress?” or “Am I too old to transition as a transgender woman?”
My response?
NO, of course not!
Whether you are a so-called mature crossdresser – or an older MTF woman beginning her transition – it is NEVER too late to be your true female self.
I believe that the true desires or your heart are meant to be expressed – no matter how long they’ve been buried.
Is it true that your age may have an impact on hormone therapy or surgery? Yes, that’s possible. But a good doctor will guide you on your best and safest options.
The fact remains that you can transition and/or present yourself as a woman at any point in life.
In fact, embracing your feminine side can give you a whole new lease on life…
I see it all the time: People seem to grow years younger when they make the decision to be themselves fully.
Having the courage to express your true self also inspires others to do the same. The world needs more of this!
In the words of Laverne Cox:
“It is revolutionary for any trans person to choose to be seen and visible in a world that tells us we should not exist.”
I’ll say it again: You are NEVER too old to be your true female self.
So, I encourage you to take that next step and do whatever it is that you’ve been holding back on.
You deserve it. And it’s not too late!
Do you agree that age is just a number?
Now I’d love to hear from YOU on this topic…
How old were you when you decided to fully embrace your female self? (Or are you still waiting?)
Let’s continue the conversation in the comments below!
P.S. If you liked this article, you will love my FREE Male to Female Transformation Mini Course.
I have been dressing since age 20 and now at 63 still do it. Until 3 years ago I did not underdress as I was not out to my wife. I did dress daily in androgenous clothing witch she did not pick up on, jeans, slacks, shirts, blouses. No one notices or cares. I told my wife just over 3 years ago about my need to crossdress. I now underdress daily and go out fully dressed. It has been a rocky road but better now. She is starting to accept and understand, but it has not been easy. My children 23, 28 no. It has been difficult, they have gay and lesbian friends but being in the same house and their father is different.
chère lucille
je me travesti depuis l’age de27 ans, et ouvertement a 34 ans ,avant
j’avait trop honte pour sortir vêtue femme . seulement la nuit pas de jour non jamais .J’ai été élevé dans une famille ou se travestir était
mal, un garçon ne fait pas cela il porte un pantalon , pas une robe,
met des chaussures , pas des escarpins etc……même quand j’ai eu
mon appartement je cachait vêtements , et dessous de peur que ma mère ne les trouvent et les jetent a la poubelles , alors je les cachait
a la cave .je me sentait bien de les portées ,j’était enfin moi puis je
rencontrait celle qui est devenue ma femme , de me voir ainsi vêtue
elle déclara : tu est trop fille sa me convient pas , je fait pas l’amour a une fille je détèste cela .alors on a trouver un compromis , je devient femme pour mardi gras et halloween . mais de temps en temps je le
fait en dehors de ses dates , je me suis inscrite sur un site de rencontre
et depuis 2ans je me produit en webcam ,a 55ans maintenant je suis bien marié avec un enfant je voudrait le faire plus souvent mais c’est délicat vis a vis de mon fils alors je le fait quand il dort .alors j’ai découverte votre site que je trouve simple et efficace merci pour cela
Hi Lysa, that is an interesting way to spell your name. I have seen it spelled many ways but that is the first I seen it spelled like that. It must be original. I bet you are one terrific woman! Take care girlfriend.
Julie Lisa
chère lucille
je me travesti depuis l’age de 27 ans en cachette , puis plus ouvertement je suis sortie vêtue en femme a 34 ans . seulement de nuit jamais de jour , j’avais trop honte de me montrer ainsi élevée dans une famille ou se vêtirent ainsi relevait du péché je me suis gâchée une bonne partie de ma vie .
I find that I pass much more easier as I age!
At 45 I found that crossdressing seemed to be childish (I’ve done it since age 3). I decided that it was time to simply stop…but not the way I’d tried to do so many times before; this time I started the long road to transitioning…living as I have always felt, correcting some surgical mistakes I allowed in my teens, and ultimately resulting in SRS. I am expecting to be near 50 when I’m finally finished, but I feel it is something I’ve always been destined to do.
I’m 61 and I love to get all dolled up but would like a womens help that why I’m here. I would live as a woman full time but life has it’s ups and downs right now I can’t anyone that can help just send me a Gmail. Kisses Jamie Lynn
Too old to cross-dress?A simple question, but I am one of those older people who love hearing my femme-name,because I feel that I have left my male self far behind, to embark on a journey of self-discovery when I am dressed like a woman,even if, as you put it, I dress on the sly, so as not to be noticed too much.I now wear slacks and a zip-up top, and am proud of my ladies bag.Thank you Lucille.
Diane,an avid follower
I love to wear my wifes panties , nighties etc, she was pissed at me the first time I put her nightie on, so I have never did it again, but have dressed for some of my male friends.