Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
I spent many hours trying on different names. I wanted some thing unique, easy to remember, and something that used my old initials.
I chose Carol after two people I admired Carole King for her wonderful voice and singing style and Caroll Shelby the man behind the Cobra. Strange but once a car nut always one. The second part Ann because I wanted to have something that flowed well with Carol and in part to honor my sister who has been gone 15 years now Ann was her middle name. Louise because I hated Lewis when I was a kid along with my first name.
Now that I have fully transitioned and legally changed my name I love it and get such a thrill out of hearing it. It makes life that much better.
Robbie for short I use Robbie Danielle. Born name Timothy Daniel Robert (last name un-disclosed) on my birth certificate. My mom didn’t know what to call me when I was first born so they went with Robbie. Idk what the real story behind it was, as the stories have changed three times per: my parents. first story was kind of two(they just didn’t know what to call me????, and then because they named me after my father it was to confusing and so they called me Robbie after a few months. then it became they called me Robbie because of my being a Junior status. Robbie Danielle is a mix of my middle name and what I prefer my family to call me now. A mesh to keep my real name, with out changing it completely.
What a delightful idea!
I chose Delilah for a number of reasons, for one I think it sounds extremely feminine and soft, but strong at the same time. And of course the whole Delilah and Sampson story kind of struck a chord with me too, it’s kind of poetic.
i like this idea 🙂 my name is Jessica Ricci, I’ve always loved the name jessica since a little boy, it sounds and makes me feel so feminine, and ricci is my real name from birth just spelt differently lol, there you go 🙂
Jessica Ricci
So long ago, but the memories come swarming back when I think about my name sake. Lydia was my first real crush, blond hair, green eyes, sweet girl. She was the epitome of femininity to me. I was fully into dressing at that tender, impressionable age, and wanted to be a girl with all my heart. She had no idea I was on this emotional roller coaster, puberty was tugging hard at my psyche, and my fantasy was aflame with pictures of twirling petty coats and cashmere sweaters that I was wearing. So now I am Lydia, L-y-d-I-a, and I want to hear people say my name so I can feel it in my heart. Je Adore Tu.
Elizabeth is the name I would have been given had I been borne with girl parts and Alene was my mothers middle name.
I chose Winter Cadence so I could keep my original initials, to honor my father because I was suffixed as Jr. Also I am extremely fair complected, red hair, and I was born in December. Winter, the time of year and a cadence is a for of song. Although a different spelling for me of Cadance gives a double meaning of song and dance. To sum it up My name is a “winter song”, and tribute to my Dad, my best friend!