Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
I took the name Janine when I was in junior high school. There was a girl in my class named Betsey and I had a crush on her. She was a blonde hair blue eyed young girl and I pretended that I was her whenever I would get dressed in my sisters clothes but I soon realized that I needed a identity of my own
That’s when Janine happened to me and still to this day whenever I dress en femme I am still Janine
She’s just a name I took as I tried to emulate Betsey
I have a photo ID.and credit cards in her name for when I travel as Janine
She’s as much a part of me as my male name is and I love it when I find time to get dressed as Janine and go out shopping or dining en femme so that I’m treated as a female
Hi Lucile,
My male name is John and when I started to find a name for my femme self I first thought of Joan.
But wasn’t keen on that name so I played around with my male name in left column and femme names in the right hand column. I noticed that both John and Joan share the first two letters. I then had Jo & Jo, that became JoJo but then JoandJo became Joanna. I’m very happy with my adopted femme name. But you do have to be careful when out shopping etc. I have heard JOANNA called out and I’ve turned round quickly quite forgetting that I’m out in male mode.
Love all the advice you give us Lucile. xx
I was six and my mum & dad ask me who I wanted to be I said this girl at school thay ask me her name I said Rebecca mum said what do you want to be called I said Rebecca dad said no I cried. Mum said how about Becky witch is same name just sorter I said ok after crying so after all that age 7 I had all my name changed the Louise part was my mums child who miscarried so my sister out of respect when I was 18 I added
as a middle name xx
Brilliant site well done xx
My fem name Stephanie Marie come from my child hood friend Melony who didn’t have any girlfriends to play with(as we lived 25 mi out of town) and she used to let me borrow her clothes and be her girlfriend. She gave me the name and it has stuck with me ever since. She was my best friend almost from the time I began dressing up til I was 13 about 4 years. Although we lost touch I still think of her and all the fun we had and the huge impact she had on my fem self so I think it only fitting to keep it.
My name is Louisa I am reading Lucile site sometimes I am called Louise.
If I could change I would like to be called Dell.
My male name is Stephen so Stephanie is so close and she is like my personna, full of fun!!
I was given a feminine name (Leigh) at birth, to carry forth a last name in our family, which was also given to my father. I love that name. It means a field, which describes the listening space I bring to others. However, when I poor and tried transitioning while living with my parents it was a source of confusion to have people calling me and not knowing what gender they knew me as, and an annoyance for my sorta tolerant father to receive those calls. So this time around, about 10 years later, I am living on my own but it occured to me that it would be good to use another name. Because it would help me identify what voice, and level of openness I was to use with a person who calls me, and it serves as a code among mixed company. The can ask well how is LivE.
I was given the name LivvE in a dream. I have been very worried how my transgressions would affect my family, particularly my aging parents, and my ability to support them at a time in need. Then I had a dream where I found myself part way into transition, and rushing to my parent’s place because one of them fell. I was anxious about my mother’s condition, but also about appearing dressed in front of my sister and brother. I was wearing a skirt suit and there was no time for me to rush home and change and clean up to make everyone comfortable. I arrived at the house, and my mother was already in the hospital, my sister and brother were talking about how to divide the responsibilities of my mother’s care. I stood listening to them and looking out the window trying to navigate my emotions and find my strength. They were tolerant, but clearly understood that I was very upset about my mother as well as being somewhat compromised by my transitioning. I wanted to be offering more, but I was overwhelmed. As I watched this play out in the dream I was feeling the deep sadness that has been my companion most of my life. Then it occurred to me, this is a dream, possibly a premonition of the future, but I can rewrite this.
For some reason before I began to rescript it, I asked “what is my name”. LivvE is what came to me. And it occurred to me that it makes a great affirmation, and a message to continue embracing myself.
Thanks for asking