Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
Desde muy pequeña siempre le preguntaba a mi madre que nombre me hubiera puesto si hubiese sido niña y simpre me decia que Noelia por una cancion de un cantante que le gustaba mucho y tambien por que fue unos de los nombres que mas le gustaba y simpre me gusto ese nombre y desde pequeña siempre e deseado ser esa niña i llamarme Noelia
I chose my name from one actress by watching one of her films, where she plays a bitch. At that time name Emily sounded very cute to me I was completely obsessed with it
Hi Ladies,
I knew since I was very young that I had a female as part of my being. At some point in time I knew I needed to discover my name. For a period of time I went through several names in my mind. None of them seemed to feel right. One day I was thinking of an older woman who I admired. Her name is Irene. Suddenly my female conscience said I was Irene. It was a beautiful experience. Irene is me.
Love, Irene
My full name is Monica Angela. Monica as Monica Bellucci the stunnig italiana actress, I love her beauty and elegante. Angela is my name if I was born female
I chose femme name after , seing a women wearing thigh highs and bodycon minidess with suculant sways walk passed me, she represented in everywat sexy , seduction , control and power of sheer appearance. I always thaught about who she was atracted too , if every uy was as head over heels as me for her . Her name was lyndsey and shes never gone from my curiosity .
I chose Danielle because it is the feminine form of my birth name Daniel. Also, I have been so judged by some people that the meaning of the name: “God is my judge” was very fitting. Those people are not my judge, so who cares what they think! For my middle name, I chose Victoria. Not only do I think it is a beautiful name, but I have struggled with accepting my true gender for 58 years and have finally accepted the fact that I am a woman trapped in a man’s body. I finally have VICTORY over the struggle! I have been full time female for nine months, and on hormones for eight months. Never in all my life have I been so ALIVE inside! There is sunshine in my heart and in my smile for the first time in 58 years!
Hey Girl,
I have always known I was different then other boys growing up. It wasn’t until I was 12 when I knew exactly how I was different then my male friends. My mom brought a bag of clothes home one night and she set them down next to the hall closet, me being a 12 year old I just had to see what all was in this bag. I started pulling clothes out of the bag when i pulled this beauty pink lace bra. I never felt the feeling I had at that moment, I felt almost free for a second, I knew right then I was born the wrong gender, and I wore the wrong clothes. I know this sounds strange, but this bra opened my eyes and from that day I knew just who I was. I hide my feelings from everyone, I didn’t know how my family would react if I told them I was a girl in this male body. It wasn’t until my mid 20s I knew I had to tell someone. At this time I was married with 2 kids, I told my now ex-wife about my feelings and who I should be. She had a hard time at first, but then she started helping me dress as the woman I needed to be. This is when I knew my name could only be “Ashley”. To me, the name Ashley was strong, confident, beautiful. When I was dressed as Ashley I felt complete. I am now engaged to the most perfect woman, she helps me to be who I am. I am now 43, I am starting HRT this month. I am starting my transition to living full time as the woman I have always knew I was. I should have started my transition 25+ years ago. Its never to late, we just need to begin when the time is right to ourselves, no one can tell us when or if we can.
Thank you,
I knew at a young age that I was supposed to be a girl. I remember looking through the Christmas catalogs at the girl toys, cloths, play sets. My dad was big into country music and we would listen on the radio. One day a song came on, not sure which one, but it was by Dolly Parton. He said she was beautiful and how every guy he knew agreed. He really put her on a pedestal for looks. So in my mind she was the epitome of femininity. When I finally saw her I agreed with his assessment. When I heard the song Jolene and realized it was fairly close to my name I was ecstatic.
I came out to o e one of my cousins after high school. She was and is still super supportive and has helped me work though alot. I had never picked a feminine name as I was super deep in the closet. After a few weeks of hanging out and having her help me in some of my mannerisms she said she couldn’t call me by my boy name. So we sat and threw names back amd forth. After a while we started hitting female icons, at the time Brittany Spears was huge, and I told her about my pedesatl and who was on it. She immediately said Jolene. I had never thought of it before and realized that it was a great name. Ever since, 14 years ish. I have been Jolene. Don’t worry though I am not trying to take your man. He has to come willingly!!