Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
Chrissy, who is really Chris or Christopher, has always been my hidden girly name. To those who know I am Chrissy, and this feminine name suits me fine. Just wish I’d been born with it, and the other sex. I have always reacted warmly to those who use it, and being a name that has no definitive gender I use it for shopping and browsing on line. Chrissy I am and Chrissy I will be!
For much of my life I used the name “Suzie” – what I was called by the roughnecks on a Miss River dredge one early 60’s summer. Wasn’t even dressing yet.
Much later, a cashier in the local market said that my 40’s jumpsuit Halloween costume reminded her of Lauren Bacall.
I like the circumstances of the second name *much* better!
Veronica means true image, so it seemed to fit when I was inspired by a pretty redheaded fair skinned (like me) secretary named Veronica. Winger was inspired by Deborah Winger and my love of flying. My middle Sue took some time, but it seemed playful when said with my last name (Sue Winger) and really flowed when my full name is spoken. Online, I normally use VeronicaSW as an abbreviation, which prompts people to ask me what the SW stands for. I usually tell them it’s for ‘sexy woman’ before I tell them I’m a ‘sue winger.’ Creating my feminine name and persona has been so fun!
hi to everyone! i choose the name Mar,( means sea in spanish) with a guy i meet, Sergio, he knows i love the ocean, the beach, and he suggest that name to me, so i love it and i adopted it as a way of afirmation in my feminine way. kiss to everyone!
Hi all. My name choice was the same old story, looking for a name starting with the same letter as my given one. I chose my female name during my high school years. My first choice was the right one, Diane. All the Dianes that I knew were cute and feminine just as I wanted to be. I chose Michelle as my middle name since it is also a name that I have always loved. Michelle brings a picture of a very feminine and sexy girl who knows how to present herself.
More interesting is the way I developed my screen name. Is that a future topic?
Hi Lucille and everyone else.
At my birth I was named Niall Gerard. My late mother liked Niall, and my elder sister wanted Gerard. Niall is an Irish name meaning Champion / Guardian / or Soldier. There is not really a female version of it, so I picked my second Birth Name and used the femme version and then O`Neill ( meaning son of Neill or Niall ) as my surname.
Okay plain and boring I know but it still honours my mum`s memory.
Best wishes to all,
Geraldine O`Neill. xxx
Hi Lucille,
I like your name very much, I took my feminine name after my own initials MG, just switched them and a friend suggested Gabriele, so I did, Gabriele M.
I hope one day I’ll be out there and you call me Hi Gabriele, how are you, you look beautiful and I reply,thank you but not as beautiful as you are.
My girl name is Sweet, I know that is unusual but the girl of me is really that. My gfs call my Sweet, so I think it works J